O happy morn! Quickly now, I can hear the revelers approach- Eel day is upon us once again!

(in a turnip mood, so here's an older illustration for

15 94

day 17 unholy "the powder priest of the 10th sludge slingers, and his gunner"

8 60

Turnip28 art by the wonderfully talented Juan Gómez

18 209

(Work in Progress) As well as working on my own ranges, I also do commissions for both private collectors and miniatures companies. Check out this giant crab I'm working on for the official range, posted with 's permission!

6 60

i heard Wurm was gathering some pikemen.

4 22

You know I couldn't leave out of last year!

4 35

I recently found out about Turnip28 and decided to make something in the style of the game.

6 19

Celery Saint of the Root⁠

More fan art⁠

9 58

Love all of Tom's work from the Turnip28 rulebook.

36 234

Actually quite happy with how this Brute is coming along.

1 3

What a Year it's been! These are some of my favorite drawings for the various Monthly Challenges I participated in in 2021.

Forthly, Kaijune! Big Monsters! A Hive Tyrant, a big poisonous worm thing, a massive mushroom king, and some kind of terror.

2 6

Presenting my regiment, the 111th Harddough Grenadiers (the Eleventy-Oneth), art by . A motely collection of idiots, cretins, and sociopaths, every man is convinced he is the perfect solider, but in reality not one of them has any idea what they are doing.

9 121

Hey looks like we're sharing / My OCs for Heart, DnD, MASKs, and Turnip28

2 4

Inspired by Gaslands, Turnip28 and the like, I have decided to make my own equally silly setting as an excuse to convert all those skeleton minis out there

9 25