Is it unconstitutional how many times Joe Biden has been elected President ...over and over and over...

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Back in 2015, the Oklahoma City Council passed an anti-panhandling ordinance. Last month, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the ordinance unconstitutional on 1st and 14th amendment grounds. 1/7

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A federal judge rules Gov. Tom Wolf's shutdown orders are unconstitutional.

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States across the US have enacted cruel, unconstitutional abortion laws that require doctors to sexually assault women seeking abortions and lie to them about the health impacts of abortion. Some laws require funerals for foetal remains.


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To help grasp the tensions bracing the US, watch “Segregated By Design” an revealing how governments and banks unconstitutionally segregated cities across the country

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It's not that hard to leave the house during this unconstitutional quarantine...

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Hong Kong Court Rules Mask Ban Is Unconstitutional
The Oct. 4 was an excessive tightening of people’s despite the unrest, the city’s ruled, after a group of pro-democracy lawmakers challenged it.

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Amaryllis says:

It’s unconstitutional to detain asylum seekers without a hearing.

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Today marks the 65th anniversary of the Supreme Court case Brown v. the Board of Education, in which judges ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.

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Don't miss my toon on Trump's unconstitutional attorney general appointment:

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Jimmy Margulies

SCOTUS rules it unconstitutional to allow public employee unions to require collective-bargaining fees from workers who choose not to join the union.

🔸 'Is This Thing On?' 28 Jun 2018. Jimmy Margulies.

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In a recent case, the PA Congressional District Map was ruled unconstitutional.
In this thread on
- details from our expert witness report for a similar case, Agre v Wolf
- statewide map of partisan data
- details for Pennsylvania's most gerrymandered districts

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CBLDF’s legal efforts in 2017 protected our community, overturned unconstitutional laws, and preserved the right to free expression. Check out some highlights:

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The IEBC riddle, bringing much needed change unconstitutionally , cartoon for

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The IEBC riddle, bringing much needed change unconstitutionally , cartoon for

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