Come to Pennsylvania Railroad, we have hot kitsune babe

New York Central sucks ass, full of knife-ear dorks

43 890

Yukari Chihara

Kitsune Warlord's train autist daughter, Gun Autist Akari's twin sister. A train conductor for the Pennsylvania Railroad, later Penn Central. flawless work record and hates the company merger with a passion.

6 102

Yukari Chihara

Akari's Twin Sister. Train Autist. Foamer / Railfan. Always angsty and pissy.

Have no Interest in inheriting her mother's Industrial empire. Chooses to pursue her own path as a train conductor for the Pennsylvania Railroad (later Penn Central).

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When her beloved Pennsylvania Railroad merged into Penn Central, she had a meltdown so bad she allows her mom pamper her, a rare thing for her.

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discordia x pennsylvania railroad T1 🚂 for !

572 4323

Yukari on Duty

(Pennsylvania Railroad)

94 1141

Pittsburgh is a city in western Pennsylvania at the junction of 3 rivers. Its Gilded Age sites, including the Carnegie Museum of Natural His

20 280

She HATES the New York Central Railroad with a burning passion. She is a hardcore Pennsylvania Railroad girl. She was seething with rage when the PRR agreed to merge with NYCS to form Penn Central but kept working there.

16 201

Lore about Yukari: she got her teardrop tattoo not long after Pennsylvania Railroad merged into Penn Central. As a sign that she's forever grieving the loss of her beloved Pennsylvania Railroad / PRR.

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Yukari, Pennsylvania Railroad (later Penn Central) Train Conductor

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Hikari - Mom - Arms Dealer, War Criminal, Business Tycoon, Housewife.

Akari - 1st Daughter - Gun Autist, Defense Contractor for Military Industrial Complex

Yukari - 2nd Daughter - Train Autist, Train Conductor for Pennsylvania Railroad

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Pennsylvania weed sucks what the fuck

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1! 2! 3! Pennsylvania division!(represent pennsylvania)


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snow snow snow, more snow .. it's all pennsylvania gets nowadays, so I decided to post these snow younglove drawings again .. :U

sillies! two owls keeping themselves warm in the frosty, bitter cold. dreaming of vacation!

someday soon, for the both of them.. !

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...Lucca, despite my neighbors being a bunch of blockheads and my immediate family given me a cyclopean-sized 'Hairy Eyeball', quickly adapted to life in this antiquated suburb of Pennsylvania's capitol, Harrisburg...

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I'm delighted and grateful that RIPPED AWAY is a finalist for the Pennsylvania Young Readers Choice Award!

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is a ways away, but we had to share this classic featuring handing out presents to Issued by a famous department store, bidding is now open at ! 🎅

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