「ビッグリボン」がブームに! 今日から顔デカケンモジも頭に着けよう!!  [592058334]

136 番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ aec7-+VIH) 2022/01/19(水) 15:41:12.19 ID:7c3+Y/LK0

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Pour les 40 ans de la découverte du VIH, la plateforme d’art CIRCA présente « VideoVirus », un film graphique de l'artiste AA Bronson et du collectif General Idea diffusé tout au long du mois de décembre dans plusieurs villes du monde entier → https://t.co/hYSgZ9tXGN

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👉👉 Mitos sobre el VIH/SIDA 👈👈

Aunque son datos que algunos ya sabemos, vale la pena recordarlos para combatir la desinformación y el estigma

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Con el "día Internacional de la prueba VIH" Una sencilla prueba que te puede evitar riesgos a ti y a tu entorno.🩸🎗️♥️

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Made as a thank you for last year's VIH charity magazine 2020
A tower of little red jackals

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I've moved on from making VS fanart these days, but these charity streams are nothing short of inspiring! So wanted to commemorate it with a mock-up ViH logo based on NASA. It's been really fun making something like this again!

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So uhh,, if anyone finds this guy at all during ViH, lemme know
little dude :)

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IT WAS SO WONDERFUL to work on this! There wasn't a ton that I made, but I am proud to have my art on the front cover and to have drawn 's planet and 's planet environment. I hope everyone enjoys the magazine, thank you all so much for supporting ViH!

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Est ce que quelqu’un.e connaît une asso LGBT et/ou VIH à Istanbul? Il s’agit de venir en aide à un gay seropo d’origine vénézuélienne qui est coincé en Turquie sans accès à un traitement VIH ni à la vaccination Covid.

Le contact intermédiaire est .

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trying to let my excitement for the VIH event fuel me so i keep drawing
just a little thing i did today (feeling about as excited as fren)

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love the design on twitter made vinny for ViH so i did some art of it https://t.co/2ybdHEHISC

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Miau(amarelo): eu

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Oiiee! Meu nome é Vih e aqui algumas das minhas artes!

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baseado nos meus kins qual vc acha que eu sou?

kibei da vih

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📢 El mensaje de "Indetectable es igual a Intransmisible" logra aumentar la aceptabilidad de las pruebas de cribado de la infección por el VIH
👉🏻 Sería un mensaje más eficaz que “conoce tu estado serológico”
📰 Léelo en: https://t.co/tDDvnpygHI

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¿Eres hombre que tiene sexo con hombres? ¿Quieres conocer tu estatus de VIH y vives en la CDMX? ¡Estamos ofreciendo pruebas subsidiadas de VIH en ! ✨🤩 Entra a nuestro sitio web y descubre cómo puedes acceder a ellas: https://t.co/2a9TSqIeSv

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E parabéns pela Juliette, foi inteligente e fez o jogo dos jogos. Tem muita possibilidade aqui fora e pode virar personalidade por muito tempo.
Gil, Vih Tubos e se bobear, a Conka podem surpreender na mídia e afins.

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sla eu faço desenho digital desde setembro. to fazendo commissions e é isso aí. mds n sei me apresentar. meu nome é vivian mas me chame de vih. dmfkskskde

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UH-72 J「レスキューX(エクス)ウイング」#海上自衛隊 「SH-72 J シーエクスウイング」
、VIPのスポーク輸送機 「VIH-72 J ヴィックスウイング」の基礎となる尾脚・尾輪が完成!https://t.co/w7RLbmPI7r    

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