Here's my new character for a Wagadu Dungeons and Dragons campaign. He's an Ikaki (fishperson) and his specialty is talking himself into and out of trouble

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Some Ikakis 🐙 concepts for universe ✨ which one is your favourite?
Btw. if you don't know about it yet, you can download the whole rulebook with a huge introduction about the Wagadu for *free* - link here:

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(14/15) Appendix 3: in the end we have some tips and plot hooks for if you want to play a full-blown campaign set in Wagadu, such Horo the Daa'ima Sorcerer and his discovery of the branch of the legendary Birapinya tree.

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"Jom - The Young", another guest illustration for

Don't forget to get their free Introduction to Wagadu's setting + unique Afrofantasy adventure "The Oath & The Child":

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(5/19) The Swala tend to share the savannas with the Lionblood. Descendants of an ancient queen and an eland doe Spirit, they are the best herders and animal handlers in Wagadu. They worship harmony and powerful nature entities. art

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