Sylvanas from WoW ✨
Давно я не рисовала в таком стиле, может начать стикеры рисовать опять, только не знаю,что теперь популярно 🍒

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I don't know where those Dracthyr folks came from, but thank you I love them 🐉🐲

A green dragon lady that doesn't exist yet, but you bet I'll be taking her to raids

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Okay now we are nearly there with this one 😍
Just need to finish my landscape then into Photoshop you go! 🤗

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Arthas fan art! :D
I also want to do another portrait of some other Warcraft character, but I still can't decide well...

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Another one! This time it's Flora a nightelf druid who adopts and looks after all the cats on Azeroth 🐱💝

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This painting started out as a drawing back in 2019.
I decided to finish it this year and this is how it turned out. Pretty happy with it! :)
Hope you all like it!

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This was so much fun todo, maybe in between Renders I'll make more like this one 😍
[Honestly tempted to use her as my logo]

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"And buried deep beneath the waves
Betrayed by family
To his nation, with his last breath, cried
"Beware the Daughter of the Sea"
Jaina ProudMoore 🌊

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Джайна Праудмур из Варкрафта.
На Патреоне в следующем месяце будет лайнарт, процесс и хайрез.

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