Jason, I'm all for heroes taking a moment to stop and give advice to the common man, but maybe this isn't the most productive way to do it.

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I came to this series to see all of my favourite Bat-family characters interacting with one another. I stay for these heart-warming moments where this found family just supports one another. Also the jokes about Bruce and Dick being old.

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Now Bruce, let's not tempt fate. Batman may have a plan for every scenario, but even he can't contend with a missing Alfred!

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Oh my heart, this is the kind of conversation I've always wanted to see between Bruce and Steph. It's chapters like this that are the reason I'm loving this series as much as I do.

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I also love these 100% accurate descriptions of the Robins. Bonus points for including Steph in her Robin costume.

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Our other beautiful robins ♡

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Jason started out stealing tyres from the Batmobile, nice to see he hasn't lost the knack.

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I love webtoon Bruce and Jason sooo much!! "tire stealing genius"

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It always warms my heart when I see Cass and Steph hanging out. Let them never be parted.

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Them bonding over books🥺 Also Jason cleaning his guns gives me some weird satisfaction kdmdmckdkdd

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