I didn't know I needed Jason and Cass being goofy together as a thing, but I do now. Also I'm taking this as canon for all stories going forward, the bat-family has a rule, no doors!

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My poor baby, under that armor of haughtiness and sarcasm hides a little boy who wants to be loved and fears being insufficient and being discarded and abandoned for it. You are enough, my sweet heart, you are the best for me 🥺

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Happy everyone! So glad I can share some more Batman backgrounds 💕 I’m so grateful everyday that I can give a little bit back to all the characters and creators I loved growing up 🙌🏻

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The two types of Superman designs: Long Thin Leg and Thicc Stocky Leg.

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This series always leaves me with the warm fuzzies, but this sequence had me howling. It's so in character it's perfect.

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Superbat is real and you can pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

Also Clark's busted expression is PRICELESS. 😂😂

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Omg this week's 🥺 I'm gonna cry 💔😭

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HAHAHAHA! This is so funny, I cannot even... 😂😂😂

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