Here's a of the wilderness in Vyndarn, the southern region of
Who knows what monsters reside here.

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Interested in seeing more of our spells?
Here's our next batch:
Earth, Healing, Sand, Dust
Find out more at about us on

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Here's our coloured white mage. We hope you like it!
Some trivia: White mages like having their books around them, be it for their spells or just to kill time with a good book.

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メインキャラ完成しました! 私が言うのもなんですが、メッチャ可愛いです。異世界から来る設定ですので「人であって人でないもの」という無茶ぶりに成瀬さんがみごとに答えてくれました。これだけ見てると絶対うまく行きそうなんですが、いろいろ問題山積です。

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Giffany stars in "Clit Clicker" the classic addictive webgame

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About to launch a free webgame on my site. Based on a Tetris knock off I made for the company I used to work for but reskinned with cute animated Toads. Be up to play once my web guy bud gets back from holiday. Probably too easy for you though, I simplified it for the kids

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Bonjour, bonjour!
Bon comme je n'ai pas de screenshot ou de sneakpeak a vous montré, je poste ce petit chien-chien ici ~
Je vous souhaite une bonne fin de journée ~

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Finished up the beautiful Fae set for Folk of Lore: Kindling!
The flower decor on the arms is an exclusive accessory to our Patreon backers c: Everything else will be found in the game though!

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Aye aye! La préinscription est déjà disponible depuis quelques temps! 10 personnes son préinscrite et les récompenses pour le nombre de préinscription augmentent en qualité!

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Our finished front page banner featuring the world of

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Bit Wars - Turn-based strategy where player moves terrain instead of units.

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