here's your chance to participate in the tour for my slow-burning sweet romance.
"I adored the romance between Neil and Mary Claire...Beautifully written vintage romance that is heartwarming and sweet." -- Harlie's Books

35 15

If you missed the read it here for free. And don’t forget a special invitation goes out via newsletter on so don't miss out. Sign up.

47 24

Sometimes you have to go "Nowhere" 2B "Somewhere" I enjoyed these at a local Florida restaurant called Nowhere.
RHG is based in a restaurant and I think would serve these grab a copy today.

49 16

What will he do when the woman he's been secretly in love with for years ends up out of the bakery and in the interrogation room? Murder over Macaroons by Kay Harris

2 1


FREE FREE ... Grab a book each day until Christmas!

Celebrate Advent with us!

3 1

“UNTIL . . . is a compelling read, gripping from cover to cover. The murder aspect was spine-tingling & nail biting.
Pick up this book…you won’t regret it”

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UNTIL . . .

“This was a fantastic story! I really enjoyed it… The is resolved in the end, but I have to say it was a surprise.”
"beautifully described setting and masterfully drawn characters"

3 1

5* UNTIL . . .
“Tal is amazing the way he doesn’t let anything stand in his way... descriptions of the camp were well done, putting you in the dark jail cell or the smelly, dirty bars"

3 1

“UNTIL . . . is a compelling read, gripping from cover to cover. The murder aspect was spine-tingling & nail biting.
Pick up this book…you won’t regret it”

3 2

5* UNTIL . . .
“Tal is amazing the way he doesn’t let anything stand in his way... descriptions of the camp were well done, putting you in the dark jail cell or the smelly, dirty bars"

2 2

Have you checked out Advent Calendar yet?

Each day stop by their page and download a book! That's right, FREE!

Today is Day 5 - Happy Reading!

5 4

Lily Harris doesn't believe in love at first sight. This Christmas one sexy, Scottish werewolf shifter is going to wind up under her tree. Werewolves Prefer Shortbread by Dakota Issacs

2 2

Fireworks, stolen kisses, ice cream, and mermaids—the perfect summer beach read! Butter Brickle Beach by Sarita Leone

4 5

Ice cream, fireworks, dancing beneath the stars… and a second chance at romance! Butter Brickle Beach by Sarita Leone

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Convincing her knight in shining armor that he's not an actual book character might not be enough to make a happily ever after. Penny Gothic: a romance of fictitious proportions by Shelley White

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Gotta love a book that sucks you in. Penny Gothic: a romance of fictitious proportions by Shelley White

5 1

I was nineteen, sitting in the middle of church, my grandmother had just entered the great beyond, and I had lost my innocence to a complete stranger! Penny Gothic: a romance of fictitious proportions by Shelley White

6 2