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179 495

WOOOOOOOOOW. Tales of Arise officially revealed!!!!!!

Tales Of Arise, 2020

2 17

Honestly, I don’t need to see anymore trailer, Gearbox is getting my money!

2 1

Way to the Woods looks like “Bambi: Escape from New York” but with a much better soundtrack

1 2

Please don’t overdub this Dragon Ball Game!

1 0

Matt Booty is a very unfortunate name

0 4

keanu reeves eso no lo veía venir xD va con todo

6 6

I'll be on a flight during the press conference; so I'll miss it live. Hopefully when I land some dope stuff will have been announced.

1 85

why is everyone sayin banjo kazooie at e3....y'all need to stop you're getting my hopes up 😭

132 625

Hey miss me? Today's a rad day. Rock it.

25 108