— propelled forwards at speeds faster than Yeoui’s extension itself.

Whereas Soo-Jin had opted to knock her out, he knew better than to leave one of the gods’ allies alone, or, worse, alive.

As such, Mo-Ri Jin went for the kill. The bone would fly through the air, and —

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It was an earnest attempt— truly, it was, but it remained a fruitless one nonetheless.

When he would go to lift the Supreme God off of his feet, he would be met with an insurmountable challenge; lifting the Yeoui that resided within his ear,

Of course, he didn’t know. —

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— it would grasp the Yeoui that layed at the epicenter of a sizeable crater, and just like that, his voice got louder as he addressed his new comrades as a group;

〝 Alright, team, let’s see what we can do about our little godly situation. 〞

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— For now, they were under the surface of the lava, and Jin was about to bash the other across the head with his Yeoui.

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— 〝 You’re tough, I’ll give you that! 〞

Stepping back, he would summon a clone to his side, which then handed him a copy of the Yeoui obediently.

After that, he beat on him harder than Chris Brown beat Rihanna. Swing, after swing, jab, after jab, it was a messy job. —

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— ‘ 𝙍𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙖𝙡; 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝘼𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜 ‘

At this point, he was trying to aid the other’s lungs in failing, whilst pushing him backwards with tremendous force, following which he would crash against the unmovable force, that was the Yeoui. —

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〝Hah!〞Jin used the back of his hand to swipe the blood away from his lips, then perched into a smirk despite the pain which he was feeling.

〝You weren’t lying.〞With a deep inhale, he equipped his armor suits, and aimed the Yeoui forwards; 〝I’m not the same, either!〞—

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190622 Yeouido fansign
แค่กินน้ำเอง ไมหล่อขนาดนี้ละมัคคึ 🥰


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190622 Yeouido Fansign 💕🐍

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— anymore questions, he released his hold over the baton.

〝You get the rest, Goku.〞As he spoke, and his staff landed, the sheer weight of it terraformed the floating isle below into a flat surface, destroying mountains, lakes, and forests altogether. 〝Grow longer, Yeoui.〞—

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[190525] Yeouido Fansign

เอ๊ะ ไมรูปเจบีเยอะจัง อ่อก้อเรานั่งมุมขวางัย แค่นั้นเอง!!!😉😉


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— his plan; total anihilation of she who had dared to look down on him.

His foot hooked to the extremity of Yeoui, and with a push, he sent the massive weapon ahead, and against the pink-haired woman, where its primary goal would be crushing every bone in her body. —

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— will bear the scars of his kick, as Mo-Ri summoned his bo staff to his hand.

Without hesitation, he gave it his initial order; 〝Grow, Yeoui.〞As he ained it forward, the apocryphal relic would rush right past light, and into its target’s shoulder— almost as if it —

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— right into his liver, before giving it a twist, which would send the saiyan barreling through the air, and into a gargantuan copy of the Yeoui, where he would crash halfway through, before having the artifact collapse on him, breaking through the planet’s crust like it was —

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— haunting his every motion. Every step, and every swing of Yeoui, backed up with the reassurance of his counterparts, and his predecessors.

No, he was more than the man he had been. This was a... Convergent Mo-Ri Jin. 〝Thank you, Lucifer.〞

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— than ever.

Both had ways to go until they reached their ultimate power, but as of right now, Jin could finally keep up in this fight. Yeoui flew down, seemingly from nowhere, and softly landed upon its master’s shoulder, where it would rest for the time being.

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— ultimately giving it a twist to propel his enemy backwards, and, summoning an alligned series of mock yeoui’s, gave him a place to land, albeit painfully so.

〝You made a mistake by bringing me here,〞Teased-he, seriousness implemented deep within his tone, —

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— energy.

Showing his obvious disregard for the rules set by he dictator, Mo-Ri summoned a copy of his Yeoui, and brought forth the counterattack.

By spinning the baton in his hand, and then halting the motion with his left hand, Jin performed the ‘Dog Seller,’ —

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