— he take pity on her.

And as such, he spoke once again, this time, to his enemy, as his hand fell to rest by his waist.〝Tell me... You kill with no hesitation, but are you truly ready to die?〞

[#SevenDistortions |

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— haunting his every motion. Every step, and every swing of Yeoui, backed up with the reassurance of his counterparts, and his predecessors.

No, he was more than the man he had been. This was a... Convergent Mo-Ri Jin. 〝Thank you, Lucifer.〞

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— Running a calloused hand through his brown hair, subconsciously defensive of the insult Lucifer had thrown his way, the Supreme God forced a smile upon his lips.

〝It’s in the past, and being king was definitely not for me.~〞

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