画質 高画質

そろそろ をチェック
4/1 22:00 MX「天国大魔境」
4/2 23:30 MX「マイホームヒーロー」
4/3 23:00 MX「ゴールデンカムイ 第四期」
4/9 17:00 RX「機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女 Season2」
4/11 0:00 TX「君は放課後インソムニア」

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first cosplay for this weekend will be Hua Cheng from Heaven Officials Blessing! I haven't worn this since AX and I've made some improvements so hopefully it's easier to wear

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Some fanart of an artist i like !🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉

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Executioner Robe
"Death first… Sentence afterwards!"

Red Crown
"Now the Red Queen will give you options: The ax or the ax, and don’t twiddle your thumbs about it."

Queen Ax
"Off with your head!"

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Weird time in DC comics history since it was the fans who, for the very first time, given a vote by DC comics whether a character lived or died in their comics. Jason Todd got the ax or, in this case, the crowbar. Courtesy of the Joker.

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“Love and work are to people what water and sunshine are to plants.”👇👇👇👇

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A new episode of Steamgear Inc. is up on Webtoon!


Ax and Nell need to do some research to plan their next move - and where better to start than the library?

Patreon: https://t.co/gr4cChqqh3

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The ax makes it look so much better 🖤✨

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私は正直に言うと、私たちがプレイしているこのゲームが好きです。 🔥
Source: https://t.co/cJKZZeUKJb

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{}の外側にx²+4を商とする式が配され、{}の内側にx²―2x+2を商とする式を配される入れ子構造を作り、(x²+4)、(x²―2x+2)で割ったときの共通のあまりを求めます。共通の余りを (x²―2x+2)を割ったときの余りR(x)がx-3になることから内側のax+bのa.bを求めます。

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I am STOKED out of my MIND for this game!!!

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