Lythena, is in a beautiful rec by, Light (ID: 56N2AV1)!

1 37

Pacifica, saved some baby birds, nursed them back to health, & released them back into nature. "Be free, my lovelies..."

0 20

"Welcome to Ol' Gar's Tavern! I'm Lythena, the head bartender & maid. How may I assist you?"

4 33

"My friend is MIA. Have I been abandoned?"
-💜Lythena Landfall🧬
(Any likes/votes are appreciated!)

0 24

"This riceball is delicious! I have got to find, my Love, so they can try it!"

(She's had the same hair since 2007! So, Lythena, has decided she wanted to change her hair, from plain purple, to purple with blue & pink highlights.)

0 15


0 11

The perfect outfit, has finally been attained, for my alter-ego; 🍀Lucky Rebel❤!

4 45

Vyale Fate, swayed, in the breeze, over running traffic. You met her cold, yet teary-eyed stare "You tried to kill me," V, spoke in an eerily quiet tone. "After everything, I'm not going to abandon you, my beauty. Huhuhu..."

0 29

Lythena, found a spot to lay low. As she thought about her only friend, tears ran down her face, 'Please, be alive... You said you'd always be at my side... Have I been abandoned?'

1 39

Pacifica, is a huge animal lover! Thank you, absolem (ID: 2D5FQE), for the adorable rec!

2 30

Bea Mews, wanted to try a carnival arcade claw-machine out."Wow! I got one on the first try! She kinda looks like me, without the glasses. Haha!"

0 16

🎵"Everyone's just try'n to get a piece of that, strawberry shortcake."🎶 Lythena, in a gorgeous, sweet, strawberry themed outfit.

1 35

"Hey there," Risk winked. "Oh, what's this; a love letter?" She blushed, "Why don't you come in & we can chat over some coffee."

0 24

"I feel so elegant. Why don't you give me a photoshoot? I mean, I look amazing! It would be such a waste, if we didn't!" Risk, begins to emote & pose.

0 36

Pacifica, has her horse by her side, as she collects special flowers, from a lake. She feels so at peace, that a tiny bird flies onto her shoulder & sings, happily.

1 33

Pacifica, has an appropriate "ocean themed" room, in her home. She comes in here to meditate &/or snuggle her stuffies, to help with her anxiety.

0 24

Six, has really taken to all types of human sports. Though, they like to use telepathy, to play with multiple soccer balls. Silly alien, I love them!

0 22

"Hello, I'm Miss Rebel! Welcome to s3x education. Today, we'll be going over the topic of "pheromones; attraction 101."

0 29