Got these awesome Piano Panthers pieces airdropped from the art ninja !

Went from FOMO of missing the collection to 10% holder lol

Rewarded for collecting gud art?!?!?!

I love the pipes in Ali's pieces👀


0 9

我这几天看到有人质疑 KPK是不是国人盘子
首先我认为国人 或者 华人 并不应该是贬义词
1 KPK没有任何虚假宣传和FOMO预期
2 KPK的官推以及美术作者每天都在持续更新
3 对于产生这种怀疑的人应该考虑到你是否只看的懂中文

你不能用你的无知 去污蔑别人的付出

1 43

The trend continues, and being so close to this milestone drives me crazy!

I had to mint 2 more ... FOMO

Will these be my "Money Makers?"

8 13

🐸 Won't get 1,404.633 ETH like just did, but we definitely can get to 404 mints of my open edition
🥫FOMO SOUP, mint here:
🍌 Pepenanas, burn here:

23 28

it's a thin floor on my genesis NFT up to 100 ETH, but I wouldn't fomo in if I were you. not a quick flip opportunity. gotta be in it for the long haul 💪

5 49

My best friend sent me this in response to how it feels like having Fomortiis casually talk to the summoner in FEH with his size and I just had to-

93 500

Just revealed my , thanks Dr fomo.
Love the journeycub rucksack !!

is for real !!

24 65

The fomo jumpers are funny to watch. So much Hopium and such a dislike of putting in work. They are always the first ones in the spaces of the latest hype projects preaching community, and then the first ones to jump ship for the next fomo move.

0 3

the new Gotoh and Fomortiis banner feels like this💀

513 1836

🥫🍬 "FOMO SOUP" open edition minting now through the weekend:
🍌🐸 "Pepenanas" burn redeem will launch Saturday.
🔥🔥Multiple Pepe Pop Art burn redeems planned for 2 tokens each, FOMO accordingly.

4 5

[repost] the demon king fomortiis! cause he is in feh now!! LETS FUCKING GO!!!

95 370

journey to 250 collected nfts
no 108

the fomo of burning and i dont have any editions of mon in my new tezos wallet so have to get one
so got a Find Your Inner Animal from

from my artshill tweet
still collecting shill in the shill tweet not here

22 32

PoV: you're in Aether raids, and Fomortiis about to delete your turn action

14 228

Good Morning !

Art by x1 Designs

"#21 GM"

Stock 1/1

Like ,RT & Replay GM in the Comments!

🏁Ready, set, Claim!🏁

🏆Only The First Person can Claim it for on !

5 11

【お仕事】ファイアーエムブレムヒーローズにて『闇に君臨する魔王 フォデス』(聖魔の光石)を描きました。CV:中村悠一さんです!
I drew Fomortiis: Demon King. Have fun!

1927 5255