// Kray Team

¡Lo hice, lo terminé y espero les guste :D!

El personaje del fondo, es Meit de @/Mani_aqua

11 17

Cuartz siempre llega tarde a los trends🤣✨

1 4

I want to participate in the challenge but using my from my (flop) story DARKMERS

and yes! Ryne was the first to fall in love for Justin.

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Joined this challenge but in commission form. I love this anime, so glad the fandom is rising from the ashes. 🔥🔥🌸💖

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Veía q casi todos hacían este challengedraw y puess bueno me uni al mamet también pero no quería hacerlo sola si no con mi niño en hacer este challenge x"\\\^❤️❤️❤️

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Go for it Avocato!

i know this trend is like DEAD but i just had to draw 's human version of avocato doing it and ive only just now had motivation to draw so.. sisdhfh this is probably the most ive put into a drawing tbh

7 30

✨Go for it, Ranma!✨ Sé que ya paso el hype con esta temática, pero no me iba a quedar con las ganas :D

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Go for it, Exarch!

This meme is so cute, ofc I had to do it _(:з」∠)_

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