//=time() ?>
Myna on Magnolia, by Ohara Koson, late 19th century-early 20th century
Lapwing by Ohara Koson, 19th century-early 20th century
🍁: Weeeeii!!
☁️: Hahaha
🐱: Oy Natsume! Ada apa ini?
☁️: Aah, lihat itu! *Melirik pojok ruangan yang didapati 7 botol kosong
😺:..........kenapa kau masih betah dengan dia?
☁️: Kenapa tidak? Tidak ada alasan
Wasps and Praying Mantis by Ohara Koson, late 19th century-early 20th century
In both China and Japan the goose is linked with the moon. It was common for the family of a bride to give a goose as a gift to the groom.
#SuperstitionSat #ukiyoe
🎨'White-fronted Goose - Ohara Koson.
Butterfly and lily, by Ohara Koson, late 19th century-early 20th century
9. Aurita
Moon Jellyfish gw gak boong. Ini beneran gijinka moon jellyfish.
Buat AF AU di FB. Dia tipe yang polos, low energy. Isi kepalanya kosong dan hal favoritnya itu ngambang di permukaan air atau liatin rumput laut bergoyang.
Jadi tentu saja gw bikin dia pendek umur.
made my very own aikosona 12 hours before the reveal because why not (tried real hard to match @vinneart style), so even if there’s no @aikovirtual wearing these specific headphones I still got one!!
webtun reverse time paling deep, paling menyakitkan, paling bikin mental breakdown, nangis kejer, sakit ati, terharu, baper, terus ngerasa hampa & kosong setelahnya. rate ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, old but gold 🥹 gepeng f0r th3 s4k3 of s1t4
wow, I wanna tell you everything about me🫠
kosong sembilan kosong...
// 🎍
"Bagaimanapun juga statusnya hanya sebagai saniwa pengganti untuk mengisi kekosongan di honmaru sebelum pemerintah mengambilnya"
Eight White-fronted Geese in Flight; full Moon behind, by Ohara Koson, late 19th century-early 20th century