Die versorgte am Abend des Ostersonntags das zweite Mal mit Lebensmitteln. Wir hoffen sehr, dass die Bundesregierung auf den Vorschlag der italienischen Verkehrsministerin eingeht.

und an und 🧡

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Die erhält vor keine Unterstützung mit dringend benötigten Lebensmitteln. Aufgrund der Wettervorhersage für Montag wurde das Schiff angewiesen im Norden vor Sizilien Schutz zu suchen. Nach Evakuierung eines Mannes sind immer noch 149 Gerettete an Bord.

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Auf der verbringen 150 Gerettete die 4. Nacht. Die dramatischen Umstände der Rettung dieser Menschen interessieren wenige. Man kann niemanden ertrinken lassen, um sich vor zu schützen. Diese Menschen gefährden nicht. Sie brauchen gerade jetzt Schutz.

52 145

I fuck HEAVY with improvised kurdish tanks.

8 76

「私達はクルド人であり、常にそうであった! 私はアラブ人でもイラン人でも山岳トルコ人でもない 。歴史は共に歌う。 私がクルド人、クルディスタンの民であるということを!」

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Ako Ghareeb (b.1962) kurdish painter

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Kurdish Delight (1/2)

A Sniper Wolf story for me. And maybe you too?

Art -
Cover design -

6 14

Special edition

Kingdom of Kurdistan (1922-1924)
Most Serene Republic of Venice
Most of Kurdistan:

30 345

The Kurdish people demand justice!
For the triple murder of Kurdish fighters in Paris! Execution of Fidan Dogan, Leila Soilemez and Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) co-founder Sakine Chansiz

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Stockport artist Amang Mardokhy was born in Kurdistan and has a large body of work exploring the war which he escaped.
However his current show here centres around his live performance paintings to music.
Read more about it here https://t.co/9xQgSct5XL

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Shwan Asi 1968 Kurdish Painter ~ Kirkuk

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Here's a cartoon I drew two weeks ago and neglected to post, when Trump pulled US troops out and invited Turkey, Russia and Asad into Kurdish controlled Syria. I notice when I don't post a cartoon, other people take them from my site and post them anyway. That's bad.

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I’ve saved the Latin for last because it incorporates two different phenomena. The first is Celadet Bedirxan’s system. Here you have an example of a reprint of the Hawar, published in in the 30s and 40s, along with a photo of Bedirxan himself.

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This is (Rose of Rojava) a female fighter how has fought for humanity. She is now caught by a group of Syrian Islamist killer who fight on behalf of a NATO ally, Turkey.
This digital art for ,

253 463

backed jihadists are taking a /#SDF fighter into captivity. we still don’t know what happened with her.
This are the crimes of member

392 341

Rojava is not dead, Kurdistan is not a dream because in this day ‘s every more people are understanding that the Kurdish struggle are right and one day justice will be made

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Boris Johnson's government has refused to join Germany, France and Holland in halting arms sales to Turkey following their military operation against Kurdish forces in Syria.

Is this the country we want? One that only cares for profit & not innocent lives!

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“Eger hûn nebin yek, hûn ê herin yek bi yek.” |

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