UK has Personal Protective Equipment which isn't even WHO standard. In the front lines, NHS staff are put at huge risk with a paucity of masks, gloves and aprons - and those they have are sub-standard!

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The Tories want to charge all foreign workers - including EU citizens & NURSES - £650pa to have access to the NHS - On top of the tax & National Insurance they pay when they earn.

The Tories are continuing with their 'Hostile Environment'!

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Boris Johnson's government has refused to join Germany, France and Holland in halting arms sales to Turkey following their military operation against Kurdish forces in Syria.

Is this the country we want? One that only cares for profit & not innocent lives!

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Reasons to NOT vote Tory: Theresa May aided and abetted in selling UK weapons to Saudi Arabia - knowing full well that they would be used to kill children & civilians!!!

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