158 Wilder Level25 Chiname

A long-lived leech monster lurking in deep mountains.
It sucks the blood of those who have lost their lives by stepping off the valley floor or who have been unable to move due to injuries.
(From"Kappa no Sanpei Yokai-daisakusen")

5 11

・level1 手
・level2 完全に映り込み(推しと絡んでる)
・level3 背後に完全に映り込み(推しとは絡まず彼氏面)

0 0

155 Hidden Animal Level22 Kabagon

In 1971, a monster encountered by crew members of the tuna fishing boat Konpiramaru off the coast of New Zealand.
The head alone, rising from the sea surface, was about 1.5m in size.

5 8



4 12

152 Earth Element Level27 Tsuchigumo

A spider creature with strong magical power, also known as "Yatsukahagi". Non-adhering people despised as demons.
They tried to curse Minamoto-No-Yorimitsu with their magic, but he and his four subordinates conquered him.

3 8

148 Kaiju Level25 Guesra

A kind of lizard native to Brazil, it prefers to eat bee larvae, pests of cacao beans.
It settled in the waters polluted by industrial wastewater and mutated into a giant monster.
(From"Ultraman Episode 6")

35 78

142 Raptor Level29 Qoaxqoaxualanuxsiwae

A cannibal crow that is handed down to the Kwakwakiwak tribe.
One of three ghost birds serving a huge cannibal monster,It pierces and eats human eyes with a sharp beak.
The name is long!

3 16

139 Wilder Level22 Gnaskinyan

A crazy buffalo god from the Lakota tribe in North America.
Appearing in the form of a good buffalo god, deceiving people and can do wrong and disturb the love of young people.

2 11

138 Fear plant Level22 Yakanzuru

A strange things transmitted to Nagano Prefecture.
At night, when you try to pass through the woods, suddenly a kettle hangs from the top of a tree and you are surprised.
The water in it had a slightly sweet taste.

1 2


0 1

117 Yoma Level26 Kappa

A famous water monster known throughout Japan.
Its body is about the size of a child and prefers cucumbers, human liver and sumo.
They lose their power as soon as the water in the top of the crown overflows or dries out.

1 3

116 Wilder Level22 Suiko

A water monster similar to "Kappa", which is transmitted to various parts of Japan.
This monster is said to be more ferocious than "Kappa," as he draws people into the water and sucks blood and takes his life.

8 14

Ba boom... and one for my friend seated 2m away
Roll on level 2 baby 😂🤣

0 1

🇳🇿 At we will be able to move around more, but we have to stick to the rules! not like some did at 😬

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099   Beast Level28 Iwasarausu

The evil beast transmitted to Ainu people.
The beast's body had no hair and had six tails.

8 13

098   Evil Demon Level25 Cacus

A three-headed human-eating giant from Greek mythology.
Cacus tried to steal the Geryoneus cattle Hercules had brought, but was found and strangled and killed.

7 20

097   Star spirit Level21 Invaders

A militant space creature that flew to Earth and began invading in 1978.
It is composed of three races: the ruling class, the fighting class, and the working class.
(From"Space Invaders")

6 16

待ってめっちゃ懐かしい キヨレトのLEVEL2行ったときの絵出てきた・・・・😂😂

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