⭐️ Dancing under the stars ⭐️

51 319

✨ A charming prince, and Prince charming ✨
Mobius knows exactly how to seduce his variant partner 👀💕

43 270

✨ Long nights at the tva ✨
When the Josta runs out, and Mobius can’t fight sleep any longer.

23 204

✨ a fluffy variant appears ✨
Mobius encounters the most ferocious of all Loki variants, and finds himself ruthlessly pinned to the ground for cuddles 🤭💕

29 207

✨ failed mission? ✨
After Mobius took over the Tva he takes on the most dangerous missions himself. Not wanting to risk the lives of his team.
Unfortunately he forgets just how fragile he is sometimes…

21 165

"What? No, it's fine." *glug glug glug* "It's just a little bit to kick the day into high gear." *glug glug* "What do you mean you don't mix josta and coffee?" *glug glug glug* "The taste? It's great! Want to try it?"

33 187

✨ self care? ✨
Mobius is always quick to jump in and help others, but he rarely considers his own health 🥺

27 249

A chilly minty mocha frappuccino with five shots of espresso and extra chocolate drizzle for the tall foreboding customer with an extreme Karen™️ personality.

25 171

✨ Surprise guests ✨
Manifesting Loki and Mobius making an appearance in Mom 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭💕

41 315

✨ Lost in the moment ✨
I absolutely adored making this gift commission for as a surprise gift for 💕💕

23 147

It’s already May?!?

*offers up Mobius merman*

23 143

I definitely want to do the rest uwu

7 83

✨ All tied up ✨
I am still Shook over finding out the tie scene was improv 🙏🏻👀👀👀

29 249

✨ Relieving tension ✨
Loki knows exactly how to unwind their husband after a long day 💕

33 234

✨ first contact ✨
A very sweet Lokius commission of an extra soft moment 🥺🙏🏻💕

71 419

✨ Late nights at the tva ✨
Since taking over as the head of the tva, Mobius often works late into the night 😴

24 186