(Dendrodoris tuberculosa). by Albany Hancock. J. Alder, British Nudibranchiate Mollusca (1845). https://t.co/zfBkAlVqsu

11 22

First notes are up for 's Proboscis: sloe-eyed coeds, creepy molluscs, and slagging off Bluegrass. https://t.co/vOAj8HJ5nZ

4 9

Lisette Mekkes from presents at on 'sea butterflies' and how their ice-cone shaped shells grow!

3 6

The Strange Gentleman Merric Mollusca

0 5

A pattern of limpets, Yorkshire Coast

38 54

of shallow water species of lucinid w/ unusual shell microstructure found in Curaçao https://t.co/XX5axmG1hw

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a wall of scallop shells photographed at Kuromatsunai, Japan

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United States Exploring Expedition(1838 -1842) - Atlas vol 12,https://t.co/FiuK34OQkW

7 10

Motley mix of By A. Seba. Wilkes, Encyclopaedia Londinensis (1810) https://t.co/D3QVMjqMe2

18 34

Triton's trumpets. By Sowerby. L.A. Reeve, Conchologia Iconica, V.2 (1843). https://t.co/9OPjKnPXpT

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Familiar No.2 für die Tamer Klasse ist fertig >///7///< Die "Mollusca" ist der Magische Attribut des Tamers ~

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Bivalve, Chama congregata native to eastern USA, washed ashore in Dorset https://t.co/IXDoqnyauc

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Brazilian species of the family Conidae, illustrations by Rolf Grantsau https://t.co/RJPCn18tod

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Want to know more about what gets tweeted on why not read our new Storify: https://t.co/Q0y3CogHkz

22 31

Release: "Non-Marine Molluscs of Martinique, Lesser Antilles" https://t.co/eRXjy0b3fu

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