hehe balatromaxxing

15 414

Q7: "What's your favorite Class?"

1: Relic Buster - "Powerful, easy to use, and looks great" (M, 40s)

2: Kengo - "It's really fun spamming those CAs" (F, 20s)

3: Iatromantis - "Great design, and useful for fast farming" (M, 30s)

34 170

Nie pożegluję do Bizancjum.
Nie dla mnie łopot białych żagli.
Linią brzegową spięta jestem,
w porcie, gdzie inni się żegnali.
Nie pożegluję, nie odpłynę.
Ku wiatrom nie wystawię twarzy.
A kogo lekko ziemia niesie,
niech zostać ze mną się odważy.

6 41

galleon + iatromantis 😳

1343 4479

haré más fan arts, este dibujo lo voy a imprimir para hacer una cosa para un trabajo, espero que me salga bien, tengo que hacer un traumatrompo. Lo hice pero no salió bien, espero que ahora si

3 6

MVP ประจำกิลด์วอร์รอบนี้ น้องแอนกับ ดันโจจัง Iatromantis

0 1

Iatromantis Cilius / パナケイアファーさん

27 53

On one hand, an atromech droid is pretty common for a Jedi to use, especially during flight. On the other hand, a pit droid would be kinda unique for Anne.

0 0

Linha evolutiva de anjos digimon.
Evolution line of digimon angels.
Puremon 》 Uriemon 》?¿ 》Metatromon.

14 53

redesign of Metatromon, the evolution for Shakkoumon, if Shakkoumon is a zord, Metatromon is the ranger inside piloting it. (in my mind he is part of a team with other digimon like Justimon and Adamantimon - another of my digifakes)

23 172

Biker boy, Vatromud.
© katicin on FA
- - -
Full res of a collab piece with some friends.
One did sketch, another did lineart, I did color.
Stay tuned for the rest!

0 4

So I drew the fandom's favorite punch- I mean jogress, Shakkoumon, its evolution, Metatromon, he is a seraph digimon. I got inspired by one of

videos haha. He is more of close combat style, a counterpart of lovelyangemon.

0 0

So I drew the fandom's favorite punch- I mean jogress, Shakkoumon, its evolution, Metatromon, he is a seraph digimon. I got inspired by one of videos haha. He is more of close combat style, a counterpart of lovelyangemon.

55 329

My angels 👼
Puremon and Metatromon.


10 67

Puttimon 》Cupimon 》Puremon 》Gargomon 》Manticoremon 》Metatromon.

28 129

Nendra! Another Patrom reward!

10 21

Romance simulation video games are usually a mess-free way to date handsome men, but after Shiyeon Choi wakes up in one, she wants out!🎮💕

New release on Tapas -
➡️ https://t.co/oYqAE0it74

11 46


My angel digimon
Anjo antigo/Ancient angel.
Virus Busters-Unknown.

Design by
drawing by
Sprite by

30 140