{Eris Morn}
- values and portrait study of one of my favourite destiny characters
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Thursday's 1200 paces wouldn't be ignored.

I had a PEMonition about it.

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

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Pots were once ceramic
With cadences like shop door bells
Contents green, organic
Like cascades from the rolling fells

Now I shout “Well, damn it!”
And reach up for a plastic cup
Gulping down my panic
Stocks in planets going up


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So Simon turns up this morn and said he found a on SOL last night and that he wants me to make frens with him.

I’m going to leave it up to you guys…

Personally I think ETH and SOL can be frens.

What do you think?

I’m very different so…


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😉👍-Another weekend approaches!

What comic(s) are you considering to select to go along with your first cup of coffee (hot tea/hot cocoa/mimosa/wine/beer, 🤣👍-whatever morn beverage) for your Saturday morning reading session?

🤔-I'm feeling like reading a 4-issue mini-series.

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Wednesday Morn’ ‘toons that I watched on MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”
Tom & Jerry in Mouse Trouble (1944)
Whiffle Piffle in Hot Air Salesman (1937)
A Gander At Mother Goose (1940)
The Foxy Duckling (1947)
Two Gophers From Texas (1948)
Cat's Paw (1959)

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Je viens de regarder l'épisode S06E12 - Who Mourns for Morn? de !

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A whole week and no bad days!

Hope this week is the same, and I can get a little writing of reviews and articles done.

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day

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✨Good morn/noon/eve!✨
Thank you for everyone who attended Battle Of The Birbs last night! We had some really fantastic winners some very tough competition. I had to decide TWO draws, it was tense!

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Quick morn doodle of Peony !!

Figuring out how her hair would be like if part of her bangs weren’t tied up 🤔🤔🤔

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A tale of The Thames

Slung flint
Brick slug
Glass glint
Silt trug

Glug hole
Bog wood
Rust pole
Trench mud

Soup lap
Oak pile
Grill trap
Wharf aisle

Pier rot
Tide suck
Rope knot
Bob duck


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This is what myself, BossCamJam and M1n1Morn look like irl btw

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Yesterday I posted 250 words about writing. Great progress. Long may it last.

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith
Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

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It’s autumn now already
I’m righting leaky boats
Beached but going steady
Awaiting tides
With shanty notes

Let’s stop the holes with tar
De-barnacle the hull
This boat might float afar
And go the way
Of seaswell’s pull


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gm frens 🐸 mi cobbee hit hard dis morn

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