Took a step back from socials self-promo. 40 pieces of art was a lot to share! No surprise that the state of the world would leave me a bit exhausted, too. Time to share some of the random art that's not quite as "on brand": here's a YA cover and initial sketch!

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Dragons, elves, floating obelisks, cyphers, automatons, oh my... Want to see how takes to the science-fantasy weird of

Check out the free preview of now flying out of our warehouse onto your shelves!

7 37

To be fair to us, it was night while we were playing this round of so :x

5 52

Sounds like you'd be interested in Chapter 13 of Priests of the Aeons by ! The Convergence is one such heretical group mentioned in the corebooks.

We are so excited for you to try out as your first RPG. Happy exploring!

0 1

I'll be interviewed LIVE tonight about my work on the RPG,

We’ll be starting ~10PM EDT/7PM PDT, come check it out!

12 40

The three new types from Destiny: Arkus, Wright, and Delve.

Illustrator: Anton Kagounkin Magdalina.

It takes all kinds of people to help a community survive and thrive—what role will you take on?

Read our Design Diary about these new types:

17 46

Arcana of the Ancients is almost here!

The science-fantasy wonders of come to with this gorgeous sourcebook.

contains cyphers, artifacts, creatures, gamemaster advice, adventure, and more.

Check out the free preview:

15 54

The Character Portfolio is a character sheet and so much more.

It records your character’s pools, abilities, skills, cyphers, and all your other stats and character info.

At 24 pages, it also gives you room for notes, sketches, and details.

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Day 39 sharing my art takes us to the incredibly deadly (yet somehow cute?) "Ravenous Plains".

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On the 37th day sharing my art, we climb the gargantuan, mutated branches of the 'Chimeric Forest'. Sapient triple-headed insects make this place their home, creating bubbles within which the raw stuff of probability pops in and out of existence.

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Introducing Changeling Con artist, ! ✨
Bruce Brenneise is an award-winning artist who specializes in building strange or alien worlds set in fantasy, scifi, and horror. He's best known for his work on games like Slay the Spire and Numenera.

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Thanks, Leesha, it's much appreciated! Two events canceled so far, and plenty more where that came from.
I sell prints and playmats, mostly of work I did for and

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Just a reminder that I'm painting personal pieces on my Patreon in the vein of Patrons get first and inside access, benefits, and occasional bonus gifts! Even a buck a month is very much appreciated given the impact of the virus on cons. Thx!

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On the 25th day sharing my art, a portal opens "Within the Sky" into the stormy clouds above, and floating polyhedrals descend, offering egress to a world of adventures a mile above!

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Day 24 sharing my art, we find ourselves in the midst of the 'Silksteel Jungles'. Is it infested with robotic spiders, or is that just how the local people live? How far down do these jungles go, anyway? And what are these twisted spires doing here? So many questions.

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The 23rd day sharing my work for brings us to the 'Isle of Forbidden Cultivations'. It hints at feelings about man vs nature, and how rigid ideology can shield us from readily apparent

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On the 21st day sharing my paintings for , reaches its final form as the amazingly weird city it was always meant to be!

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