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Description: This creature is a voracious omnivore. It holds bioluminescent bacteria within special vein-like growths. Researchers find this sauropod to be temperamental and territorial. It will try to consume anything that strays too close.
Acorn Woodpecker
Japanese Name: ドングリキツツキ
Distribution: Western United States and Central America
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 114 months
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Melanerpes formicivorus
Romanised Name: Dongurikitsutsuki
Gray Fox
Diet: Omnivore
Also known as: Grey Fox
Distribution: Middle Americas
Japanese Name: ハイイロギツネ
Romanised Name: Haiirogitsune
Scientific Name: Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 6-10 years
Conservation Status: Least Concern
261 - Poochyena
Type: Dark
POOCHYENA is an omnivore - it will eat anything. A distinguishing feature is how large its fangs are compared to its body. This POKéMON tries to intimidate its foes by making the hair on its tail bristle out.
Here are some cute Leonunn species facts;
Leonunns purr like a cat when happy/content 💤
They have thick simi-short soft fur, not too course, that has a water-repellent quality to it like a mink's fur 💦
They are omnivores 🍗🌿🍓
Baby Leos are called kits 🥺💖
New Guinea Singing Dog
Scientific Name: Canis lupus dingo
Romanised Name: Nyū ginia hairandowairudodoggu
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 12-16 years
Also known as: New Guinea Highland dog
Diet: Omnivore
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Japanese Badger
Distribution: Japan
Scientific Name: Meles anakuma
Japanese Name: ニホンアナグマ
Diet: Omnivore
Romanised Name: Nihonanaguma
Also known as: Japanese black badger
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10 years
Conservation Status: Least Concern
261 - Poochyena
Type: Dark
POOCHYENA is an omnivore - it will eat anything. A distinguishing feature is how large its fangs are compared to its body. This POKéMON tries to intimidate its foes by making the hair on its tail bristle out.
The #jugashen is a large semiaquatic parksosaur convergently resembling #Deinocheirus. Jugashen means ‘silent death’. These quiet omnivores inspire folk tales of trolls sneaking making off with unattended children. Although meant to frighten, these stories are not unfounded...
@JurassicWorld Ultimasaurus, why a hybrid "carni / herbi" to change to make carnivores, limit this one you adapt it as omnivore, with a sociability between them but territorial with the other carnivores
I would have included Estemmenosuchus instead of Kannemeyeria, but enough sources suggested it was an omnivore, so, sorry bud.
I still love ya.
(pic by the phenom @AndreyAtuchin)
I know its bad timing but my short comic Something Forgotten Something Remembered is gonna be published in @runredfoxillu new magazine Omnivore along with some other awesome artists if you wanna check it out head over to https://t.co/gGluqAvnF1
He's back, the cursed farmer boy featuring some poorly drawn apples and blueberries cause apparently foxes eat that too🤷♀️they're omnivores!
I drew my oc Cronus as a #Beastars character! (I feel that as an omnivore, he'd be dangerously walking a tightrope of expectations).....I definitely need to continue the manga.
Another monster I made for this that I never posted.
Ka'bree is a medium-sized omnivore that has (sort of) a natural way to rebirth itself after dying. (They can ofc breed with others of its kind)
but it also has an 'inner egg' that hatch after its death that has the exact dna.
“Kero, kero~...”
🐸 Keropin Demon 🐸
Less of a character. More of a species. These demons are omnivores. But prey mostly on anything that can fit in their stomach. They are weak, but stronger than most humanoids. And are extremely fast at moving on land and in the water...
@Babylon_Waters "Uh...well you see....we are omnivore actually. These canine teeth are not for eating seeds" *Gives a grin*
"But I still won't eat bugs!!"
Day 18: A dino in a possible niche it could belong
Here’s basal sauropodomorph Saturnalia tupiniquim in the role of gregarious active omnivore, much like a guineafowl.
Guess that because of people talking a lot about this show, I had made some expectations and I got dissapointed. In my opinion the show itself was nice, not more not less. #BEASTARS They talked much in carnivores and herbivores a lot(makes sense)
But where my fellow omnivores at?