I think some of the reason the original anime designs had so much appeal is because they looked so much like the promotional artwork from Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow by Ken Sugomori. Also interesting to note that it appears that Pikachu's appearance remains unchanged.

0 14

Gorochu, Pikachu's scrapped third evolution, is such a darling. I wish it could be revived into a mega evolution for Raichu.

21 108

I made some various pikachu's for ' twitch channel!! these were a TON of fun to do! Check out their twitch over at https://t.co/NgeRZTFvZp !! (Please do not use these as icons / stickers anywhere! They were specifically commissioned and are not free to use!)

14 113

I would love if one of Pikachu's costumes in Smash Ultimate was Detective Pikachu. With unique voice clips.

What do you think of this idea?

547 1902

It's amazing how pikachu's design kept evolving in the early years until we got the pikachu we all know now

4 8

Space Pikachu's Bizarre Adventure

2 9

Fun fact: Meowth is to mirror Pikachu's
( I don't know if this is coincidental or not. just a thing I noticed)
Meowth is cooler anyways.

4 41

Pikachu's pretty rad too

and Pokemon Quest is adorable

and I need right now

1 2

In gen 1 Raichu should had to have an evolution called Gorochu. It had an aggressive look and they removed it because it didn't fit with its pre evolutions and Pikachu's popularity was a bit in danger.
Well, have a look to its concept art!

119 430

Blast from the Past - Pokemon devs reveal Pikachu's squirrel inspiration https://t.co/yRL30SA4dq

7 19

Pokeshopper Pictures : HQ images of new Pokémon Center Pikachu's Sweet Treats plush, cushion and charms https://t.co/cuOLRUtO1r

472 841

I dreamt Dedenne was announced as the new hero. Very little HP, but he was incredibly hard to spot because of his size. Also, he could do Pikachu's down B from Smash. I instantly mained him.

0 3

Pokeshopper Notice : New Pokémon Center Official 'Pikachu's Sweet Treats' merchandise line to release this weekend. Details @ https://t.co/cuOLRUtO1r

103 241

Day 8: Electric-type

Raichu is so underrated and deserves more time outside Pikachu's shadow.
I went for an idol look, an idea I admittedly took from @/takeshimaxfj's Raichu. (Go check out their work, they're one of my favorite Pokemon gijinka artists!)

1 1

Pikachu's Closet 시리즈 두 번째
부드럽고 복슬복슬한 피카츄 인형과 탈착이 가능한 코스튬. 모자와 베스트를 착용한 격식 있는 정장 차림의 포멀 세트로, 나비 넥타이의 피카츄 실루엣과 멜빵에 달린 몬스터볼 등이 의상의 포인트다.

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Pikachu's Halloween costume!

33 79

Because after today, vacation is now a requirement. Backgrounds from Pikachu's Vacation

6 22

My favourite scene from Pikachu's Vacation!! 😊

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