My New Year's Resolution:

To make my ex-apprentice Shylara miserable, and that can be extended to making all of you mortals likewise. But seriously, stop doing that on your own! Be happy so I can ruin it! You're depriving 'loths of good jobs!


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LRT any mention of planescape ladies that leaves out is incomplete at best, downright insulting at worst

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today's mood is Tony DiTerlizzi's ladies of Planescape

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You might be cool, but you'll never be 'Bring down the factions during the Faction War, be the richest rich bitch in Sigil, and starve a deity into nonexistence because they didn't stay out of the Blood War'.

But -I- am that cool. *humble preen*

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So thank you, all you mewling mortal filth for sticking around for the 12 days of 'Lothmas! Now that we've gotten that handled, now we move onto what comes next:

Get me everything I want! And they must have sparkly bows! Gimme gimme gimme! *PREEN*

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I may not have always been the King of the Crosstrade: irrationally wealthy, unparalleled in power, and absolutely fabulous.

But! Even as a young, apprentice-tier arcanaloth, I had fucking style. Trust me though, my fashion sense is better now. *preen*

4 15

My tenure at McOinoloth's included working the till and "customer satisfaction" which usually involved murdering other customers (who I chucked into the walk in and later grilled)

It took years to not smell like fries...

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Many of you mortals may just be waking up. But remember! Fiends don't have to sleep. Imagine what manner of evil fuckery we've been accomplishing while you slumbered, naive and unaware? We've done so much! And you haven't even gotten coffee yet. PATHETIC!

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Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Editions Review

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It's Halloween mortals!

Render unto me all your candy! Gimme gimme gimme! Mwahahaha!

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Happy Halloween you wretched mortals!

This isn't my normal style, but it seemed appropriate for today, be it Halloween or 'Lothtober.

Now gimme all your damn candy or get beat up by my tieflings!

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"Shylara the Manged isn't getting anywhere near my cheddar 'Red Lothster' biscuits!" A Level 20 adventure designed for 1 level 'Better Than You' arcanaloth named Shemeshka. *PREEN*

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Bitch refuses to admit that the shoes to wore to Mydianchlarus's court last month were inspired by ones in my collection.

Petty problems deserve petty solutions! *preen*

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There ain't no preening like a Shemeshka preening 'cause a Shemeshka preening don't stop!

(Unless I need to flip out and whip a berk with razorvine to within an inch of their life).


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All mortals are disgusting IMO, but I'm not sure which are worse: weaboos that think I'm a kitsune, furries that lust over anything with a fox-like head, or some combination that follows me around waxing poetic about 'perfect arcanaloth, shimmering, etc'

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Slight delay announced for Baldur's Gate pack, Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale

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If my morning coffee doesn't involve the slaughter of an ancient druidic order to harvest a handful of beans from a single, ancient tree infused with the spirits of their revered ancestors... well than it clearly isn't good enough for me! *preen*

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For all the recent talk about Zariel, for someone like me who was there at the time and remember that mess first hand, let me be clear about one thing: the archons had their asses handed to them when they intervened in the Blood War. Go team Evil. *preen*

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