No sir, we absolutely do not allow you to bring in a sphere of annihilation during the all you can eat buffet. We don't make exceptions for members of the Doomguard either.

1 10

Those times when you have to explain to the McOinoloth's manager that "No sir, I didn't kill that man in the corner booth. Everyone I've murdered this shift I've packed away in the walk in cooler per the employee handbook!"

3 14

Sir? We here at McOinoloth's are contractually obligated to tell you that we will not poison your dinner guests.

But meet me behind the dumpster after my shift and me and the crew will happily work something out.


2 13

When we had a limited time offer McRib at McOinoloths, it was right after that "unfortunate incident" that involved the yagnoloth assistant manager, the deep fryer, and telekinesis. Hated that yagnoloth. *innocent preen*

1 12

We used to make the larvae fries with infant tallow, but in the 80s it got changed to leshy oil as a "healthy" measure, but really it was just a cost savings thing. Also, we didn't change the oil for like a week at a time.

5 18

My tenure at McOinoloth's included working the till and "customer satisfaction" which usually involved murdering other customers (who I chucked into the walk in and later grilled)

It took years to not smell like fries...

5 15