Does it surprise you how, um, lewd Rachel is with Ian?

1 11

What possible advantage do you think Richardson could gain by making the Greys believe Benjamin is dead? 🤔

2 15

Good Morning, Sassenachs! Join us for LOTS of tears tonight at as well discuss chapters 114-122, 6pm PT, 9pm ET 😭😭😭😭😭🐺👶


0 7

Ah, shall we savor the moments of "mutual magic" between Jamie and Claire? Anything sweeter than having that special someone to share things with at end of the day?

0 9

Do you think the cruelty to Tench Bledsoe is what would make Benedict Arnold turn his coat?

0 3

How much do you think it would really help to study history before you traveled? So much of the day to day is just not in the books.

1 18

So, what do you imagine Buck might've said to Dougal MacKenzie when Buck visited at Castle Leoch?

1 5

How did you feel reading the reunion between Roger & Jemmy? Be honest, did ye cry a little?

2 16

What did you think of Buck's offer to travel back to Bree? Motivated by guilt? or something else? Do we trust Buck yet?

1 29

How did you feel about Brian's encounter with Brianna & Jem?

0 17

What did you think of the way Brianna behaved when Jemmy said he'd "go get" Mandy thru the stones? A little blase?

1 12

What did you think of Buck's encounter with Geillis?

1 9

Knowing everything he knows, seeing Jerry in such weakened condition, do you think Roger should've brought Jerry MacKenzie back to Lallybroch to recover & improve his chances of surviving return trip thru the stones?

2 9

Do you think Roger should've told Jerry who he was?

0 2

Did you think Roger should've told Jerry who he was?

0 6

Did it strike you as ironic that Quarton "didn't hold with thieving" when a hungry man stole a pie, but seemed ok with Wad stealing everything from Jerry (and leaving him to die, likely)?

1 3

Would you want to be able to hear another person's thoughts?

1 37

Who do you think told Geillis about the gemstones?

1 8

Did it squeeze your heart, just a little, to see Jem insisting on being the man of the family - trying to protect his mam?

1 25

How do you think Buck must've felt finding out about his true parentage? In his place, would you be able to resist tracking them down?

0 9