For Senate Republicans, there has been no time to pass a relief bill to support sick and struggling Americans, but plenty of time to install a lifetime appointee who will gut healthcare for millions.

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Here's my latest toon on Amy Coney Barrett and the Democrats for . Be sure to click the link and subscribe for free to support hard-hitting editorial cartooning!

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she can't even judge the conman's tweet! great pick for SCOTUS!

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As distracts with they conveniently ignore that 5 current justices are & that is Catholic
The party
- has no replacement for
- is failing to act on

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Disgusting hypocrisy from on replacing RBG. The American people want the election winner to choose. He won’t listen to us. Maybe he will listen to his biggest funders? , , , .

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If this isn't the perfect caricature of I don't know what is.

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While a lot of attention will be devoted to and replacement for important to remember that nearly 200,000 Americans have lost their lives to-date due to and that number is rising


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