The count ends TODAY. If you haven’t completed your form, visit to be counted. Spend five minutes today to help ensure that your community is fully and accurately represented for the next ten years! Last Day to Be Counted is today!

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The Census = Power. Period!!

Our representation in government & $1.5 trillion in federal funds for hospitals, schools, roads, and more will be determined by the Our communities are counting on you! Take 10 mins to at

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¡Los niños cuentan en Philly!

No es demasiado tarde para completar el censo, es fácil y rápido. ¡Los resultados del censo impactará cada día de los próximos diez años de la ciudad!


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Day 16:Correa
Andábamos pensando en Star Wars por un amigo que le encanta, así que se nos ocurrió hacer esto con Leia ;3

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Let’s support Black women, men, children, churches and businesses by inviting them to get counted in the Each household’s response builds resources and political power within our communities. Take the Census today at!

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If you live off campus in housing that is not designed for college students (such as a private house or apartment), you should count yourself at that address.

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Census participation creates a better future for immigrant families. Take the now in 13 different languages at!

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Sisters, let's care for our communities by making sure that we've all completed the Fill out your census survey today ⟶

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The United States is becoming more diverse every day. We need to make sure the reflects our communities and our people. Do your part—answer the census today at and rest assured your data is confidential.

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Over 58.5 percent of Households Have Responded to the It's easy to respond to the census on your own, whether online over the phone, or by mail. SHARE so we can ensure EVERYONE is counted!

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Make sure to respond to the 2020 Census! Visit, call 844-330-2020 or return the form by mail. It takes just 10 minutes and will impact our community for the next 10 years!

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We are SO proud of all Prince Georgians who have completed the Our county self-response rate (46.2%) is now over the national rate of 45.7% It's not too late to get counted:

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Happy Census Day! It’s time to Ohio!

2020 Census: What is the Census?
Mandarin - What is the Census?
Nepali - What is the Census?

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The is about all of us. Every last person. Fighting together for our democracy. Standing together as a city. Participate TODAY at:

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If you haven't filled out the and you're at home with your kids, turn it into a fun civics lesson! Visit our Census Toolkit page to download and print coloring book pages to use while you fill out the Census.

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🗣️A new issue of The Amp is out! In this week's edition: Call Out NC’s “#ShowMeYourPapers” bill, Prepare for SCOTUS decision, and more!

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