Unikitty: *gasp* Oh, sorry Ang- er, Fluttershy!

Rarity (Opalescence): *meow?*

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Unikitty: C’mere Lachlan...

Lachlan: *winces as Unikitty holds him up* Thanks Unikitty.

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Unikitty: I’m okay. *looks back to Lachlan* I’m worried about Lachlan!

Thorax: *helping him up* He’s okay, but that other dingo sure did some damage to his foot, he’ll have to keep off of it for about an hour.

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Owlowiscious: Unikitty...? When did you get so tall...?

Unikitty: *gasps* ...T... Twilight...?!

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Unikitty: I gotta- *looks at the 4th wall* I gotta be some kind of crazy!!

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Unikitty: *she gasped, sensing that something is wrong*

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Unikitty: Ah! Starlight! *she threw the orb out the window, but luckily (or unluckily) Starlight didn’t see it*

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Unikitty: *she finds a gold orb in the drawer* Oooh~! Pretty~!

*she was unaware that Starlight had walked in*

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*she uses her anger to whack Evil Lachlan all the way over the horizon*

Unikitty: Whoa... I’m stronger than I thought I am...

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Unikitty: *gasps, then barks and bows down to Sweetie Belle, wagging her tail*

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*suddenly, the cloud of fists disappeared as Lachlan limped backwards from Evil Lachlan*

Unikitty: *she gasps realising Lachlan was hurt, and that was enough for her to find her bravery again*

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Unikitty: Gah!! *she gets backed into a corner* P-Please don’t eat me...!

Evil Lachlan: *he just growls stubbornly, implying that’s what he’s gonna do*

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Gabby: C’mon, now we’ve gotta help Unikitty!

*meanwhile, Unikitty was flying as fast as she could to keep ahead of Evil Lachlan*

Music: (Bandicoot Pursuit from Crash Twinsanity)

Unikitty: *panting*

Evil Lachlan: *barking scarily, chasing her*

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Unikitty: *giggles and blushes*

*they both make it to the top*

Gilda: *helps them up* You two sure took your sweet time. *chuckles jokingly*

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Cozy Glow: I’m Cozy Glow, Unikitty’s honorary little sister.

Unikitty: And that makes Puppycorn your honorary big bro!

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Unikitty: Ooh! Cozy Glow, come out here!

Cozy Glow: *she sheepishly comes out of hiding* Um... hi.

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Unikitty: And Richard! How could I forget you?

Richard: Apologies for being late Unikitty, I decided to make a good first impression for your new friends.

Puppycorn: Ooh, where are they? I can’t wait to meet them!

Unikitty: Well, lucky you won’t have to, here they are!

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Lachlan: Uh, you’re blushing at me again. You know I’m not Kion.

Unikitty: Oh, he’s with Lightning Chill now.

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Unikitty: *she starts bawling*

Lachlan: Oh... uh-oh... *backing away* (Twilight’s gonna kill me... or Yona... either way, I’m dead!)

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