— Instead, the thunderer had fallen into the 𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐍-𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏, also known as the 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑-𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏. Such an overexertion of power combined with the revision of an entire universe, one in which was not home to him, caused his soul, body and mind to drift off into a —

0 7

yee -- just personally i didnt like the default since it overextended too far and didn't do any antialiasing which drove me insane

0 0

When you overexert your clerical abilities and are on the brink of fainting

22 141

saw this design in a dream so i had to get the brainworm out real quick
his name is noir, he's a stoic and serious PI but everybody knows how to make him act like an overexcited puppy

1 4

I posted this on discord so I'll post it here too:
about my health:
I noticed that whenever I stopped streaming, I'd get sick for a few hours after, I realised that whenever I stream I overexert myself alot unintentionally, so my body breaks down for a little post-stream (1/2)

1 19

he got overexciting showing everyone during track and field and dropped it in the wet grass... 😔

147 400

And as a finishing touch, they added a gradient overlay that subtly fades out the image at the top and has the unfortunate effect of overexposing the rest of the image so it looks even more like garbage.

Oh, and don't forget the terrible unnecessary logos!

0 0

nope the original color circle actually just picked from a high value in the photograph, if we select from each pictures midtones he actually looks like this which is pretty accurate since he is slightly unsaturated and a tad overexposed

0 1

Why yes, I did buy even more tubbycats despite being overexposed. How could you tell?

6 125

wow. rabbit nun resorting to hypnosis just to get a successor?

I thought she's learned from the ducks but I guess people are different to her.

Unless of course, this is just frog nun being overexcited about carrots and rabbit nun just letting it happen.

6 135

Commissions for @ EvolverExe!!
Thank you so much!!!

(preview/cropped ver only)

0 2

Hmm lets see here
Drillza: after a certain amount of events she becomes way too fearfull of her own power to use even half of it for combat
Caliburn id very easly angered and can let her emotions get the best of her
And If cherry overextends her solar mode she can go supernova

0 2

Just got off our weekly Spaces AMA. Got myself overexcited.


Er, ser, you're the project admin and you're hosting the call.

Let's GO 🚀

9 36

I just listed “Anomalia” for sale at 0.1 $ETH on 🌐 as part of the "Overexposed" collection!


19 45

Aoi Ayasha: A scitzifrenic and eccentric girl, Aoi never thinks back to the past and always looks forward to the future. Whilst uncontrollable and overexciteable she's the one who keeps the group together and has many intelligent ideas that get them out from many a bad situation

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