First Anime I Watched:
First Anime I Was In:

I'm sure y'all are familiar with the hit classic "This Boy Suffers from Crystallization". Well I HAPPEN to be in the audio dub that comes packaged with the blu-ray "This Boy Will Be Called a Villain"! Very impressive.

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「ビィラン」, the Japanese word for "Villain" looks like "girl", from what people say.

However, I am not one.

Work inspired by Nekoko and Teniwoha

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It's kind of funny that he's called a "Villain" but he is truly a Hero in my heart.

Thank you so much for your work and craft. You are a rapper's favorite rapper.

Rest in Peace MF DOOM.

Please don't forget to use all caps when you spell his name.

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"To someone I don't even know, I'm already a villain"

Song: ヴィラン (Villain) by

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악역에게 정체를 들켜버렸다 웹툰 영문판! 태피툰에 정식으로 연재 시작했습니다! 잘부탁드립니다!!!!
"Caught by the Villain" is officially launched on Tappytoon!! Thank you all for your love and support!
Original story by: (CHA SoHee)

9 27

"You're a villain"
왜 아닐거라 생각해
미처 몰랐던 악마가 니 안에 숨쉬고 있어

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He's supposed to be the "villain" but all I see when I look at him is the red hair cute boy who made me fall in love :''')

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"I'm a straight up villain"

Felt pretty inspired by KDA's song 'Villain' from the All Out album

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We should NOT focus on Aizawa's magic disappearing backpack and instead look at his book cover. Compression wasn't super kind to it so the titles are "Calculating the Amount of Fucks to Give", "sooooo", "So You Want to be a Villain", and "Tsundere"

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She's also kinda questioning the whole "villain" thing, but she hates heroes and she loves her kids (one of her daughters is the current CEO of her business, her son is in charge of HR and deliveries, and her other daughter is a clone of her) so she remains a villain.

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Drew some scenes from mv "villain" by teniwoha.

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Evelynn •

RT & FAV Ajudam muito. ♥

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Anyone know why in Marvel vs Capcom 2, Venom has a taunt that's literally just him saying "Villain"???

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💔"Every story needs a villain"
My second ever fanart!!
This one took me almost 24 hours and it would mean the world if u considered giving this a retweet, and following me for more pieces like this!! Hope u guys like it o3o//

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When i was deciding which character do as Stormy my sister said Nishinoya.. i was like "bruh he is too cute and baby to be the villain" and she went "yOU made OIKAWA a winx, do you wanna discuss THAT now?".. i got quiet and prayed for his flat ass

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Now we're getting somewhere. Slightly biased as this is where I started reading the series. Usopp has a bad design but is a solid character right away, Kuro was a great "early villain" too--sinister and deadly. Also, they get their first ship!

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Pronto, agora estou morrendo de amor por mais um casal chinês aaaaaaaaaa "How To Survive as a Villain" é bom demais ❤️

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"u either die the hero or live long enough to b the villain" -idk obama or some shit

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