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Project Finish the Underworlds Warbands Before Warcry Releases is going at a steady pace. Next up is Magore's Fiends! Decided I wanted to try a simple metallic scheme. Ended up adding more red than planned, which made the models pop a LOT more.

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At this point you’d think I’d built up a bit of an immunity to new Warcry Chaos warband hype, but NOPE! New birdgirl and birdboy squad announced and, once again, I want every single one!

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「Corvus Cabal」

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Oh man! These is definitely my favorite Warcry warband so far! Also, Arbites! (Or enforcers as they call them) more Blackstone Fortress minis, and Wood Elves in Bloodbowl! (Will be so excited if they ever redo the Khemri team 😁) https://t.co/tvALAuvLLV

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Okay, so the snake dudes were great, but the bird dudes😀😀😀 Really have high hopes for Warcry.

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I've had an idea for my warband: Build my Regiment of Renown out of Warcry warbands! Could even run STD-allegiance. Feeling like that would be rad, even if it's less custom than I usually do. Don't know if it's "cheaping out" compared to putting in the conversion work...

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My obsession with Warcry only continues to build. I wish I'd know about these guys and gals prior to writing Scourge of Fate, they'd all have their own chapters.

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I’ve had a few GW gift cards waiting in the wings. By the looks of it, Warcry is what they’re going to be used for. The hype is seriously real!

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What's your WARCRY?

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Oh my days. The news from down under is nice. Loving the Chaos from warcry... And that Iron Hand. Wow.

The admech are going to be happy too 😁


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Introducing the Untamed Beasts! “Hunt the hunter!”

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Warcry, Forbidden Power, amazing art and some incredible modular terrain for

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Evangeline Booth adopted four children—Pearl, Dorothy, Jai and Willie?

Source: The Salvation Army National Archives

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Warcry looks pretty awesome! These new Chaos models are sweet and it definitely looks like it’s something along the lines of Kill Team for AoS, just centered in Chaos. https://t.co/ZolMjm9CRa

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Woo! Super excited to see more information on Warcry revealed. We worked super hard on this game and cannot wait for everyone to be able to play it! https://t.co/HLvoZzuTg3

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Warcry has more info and a starter box! Really interesting direction, 100% Chaos warband focus. Strong choice, IMO. Thematic, new, and fleshes out the world whilst providing a gameplay experience we want. Lot's to unpack, so a thread! 1/X

(Screens courtesy of )

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Right my Warcry page is now update with all the screengrabs & details from the GAMA preview. Chaos warband narrative & matched skirmish campaign with new game mechanics. And awesome new AoS terrain!!!!


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