If you've ever tried to create anything, then Max R. has some terrible, horrible, no good advice for you today on Wonky Peach.


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If you've ever tried to create anything, then Max R. has some terrible, horrible, no good advice for you today on Wonky Peach. Go check it out.


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In a relationship with a writer? Take note. Enough people will tell your writer that she's crazy for wearing a sauce pot on her head or for holding a snake. Your job is to be loving & supportive, like the kindly normal-looking bear below.

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Don't model argument scenes too close to real life. More tips via https://t.co/GVdWcjCgtv

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Good advice for people like me who get stuck in a revision loop via https://t.co/SiFNvqzQbM

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I was reading a blog post from and this image nailed it! Give her stories a read and you wont be sorry

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" Vigorous writing is concise."_William Strunk

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How I Found Four-and-a-Quarter More Hours to Write – Every Single Week https://t.co/zinuwB4aQA

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Learn how to write ANYWHERE and in the pockets of time others might normally discard via https://t.co/MVFsYj9z9t

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Writing for yourself vs writing for your fans. How to strike the right balance: https://t.co/ekmzq6YvVU

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Having trouble finding out your character's Find out what to do on my https://t.co/VUWemKQZBj

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Having a bad day? Write what’s inside of you. Use your feelings to amplify to your audience. ...Writing.

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