It is thought that may have been the last Academician of the to see J.M.W. Turner alive before his death in 1851. Roberts is best known for his paintings of the Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, & Nubia which would have interested

2 17

Hello sam! My emote portfolio is in SECOND Link listed under my pinnedtweet, but if you like DISNEY STYLE more, you can check alsoc

Sending you a pm immediately 😊📩📩⤵️

1 1

My very first commission!!!! I'm so happy that someone like my art enough to buy something thank you so much! 😭❤
Did this back in August for
Trying to use twitter more lol

1 14

Last day to see the Royal Society of Portrait Painters exhibition . My portrait of Nicole & Kai is on display along with a vast & varied selection of work.
Book your timed ticket -

2 7

Posss esto se terminó volviendo un dibujo medio elaborado, a saber el por qué

Solo tenía ganas de dibujar a Rocky de nuevo jsjsjsjs

1 7

New-York Historical Society receives promised gift of more than 100 works from the Elie and Sarah Hirschfeld collection

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"Antón el valiente", los valores positivos del nacionalsocialismo tan de moda. Calculo 5 años hasta que me falte valor para sacar esto.

1 1

Delighted to have sold my painting "Tolka Valley" to Professor Tom Walsh who is donating it to the Connolly hospital permanent art collection

2 9

Boston Metaphysical Society: Ghosts and Demons - Week of 2/5/20
In which the geeks mess with history.
Madeleine Holly-Rosing's new comic is coming soon - go buy it!

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Clara Arnheim (1865 -1942) pintora alemana. Perseguida como judía durante el período del nacionalsocialismo , fue asesinada en el Holocausto en 1942, en el campo de concentración de Theresienstadt.
Fue una estudiante de arte en Berlín y en París.

11 22

UPDATED TALLY for the We’ve reached a combined total of $46,918.55! This Community ROCKS! We have until tomorrow, August 31st. Let’s see if we can push further.
Pin created by:

9 20

for my cooldown doodle i went and rolled ANOTHER UNDEAD ROGUE because that's all I play
here's Corti and he's uh, part, like um, puppet or something idk. He just loves killin

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1/64 いすゞ NQR75 トラック パワーゲート装備車 ホワイト[REALSOC]《発売済・在庫品》 [楽天]

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