# anubis deathgod handmade paintingoncanvas etsy art painting gold handpainted oilpainting egyptianart egyptianpaintings egyptiangods egypt egyptian history travel photography wallart homedecor gifts egyptianchariot pyramids chariot horse horselovers horsepaintings egyptianking thutmose oldwars movie sketch frame comics bd fumetti comicbook comicbooks comicart webcomics drawing comiccollector illustration comicbookart graphicnovel books book graphicnovels artist webcomic mars mars2020 nasa ancientmars comic ancientaliens civilization jimbridenstine maldek marscuriosity nasainsight space esa aliens alienuniverse moon sciences planet area51 alien mankind australia award teen preteen rrbc rwisa artworks commissionsopen kemetic bastet bast furry furryart anthrocharacter anthro goat khnum butnotactuallykhnum mythology ufos extraterrestrials stargate portal starportal sirius orion anime animation starseed scifi sciencefiction conceptart roomdesign 3dart dreamroom digitalart photoshop characterdesign storyart propdesign ancientgreece greece greekmythology egyptianmythology bustofnefertiti cairo pyramid beauty practice studies beautiful portraitdrawing pharaoh purebeauty ipaddrawing blueeyes bust sculpture procreate procreate5 passover2020 pesach royalty egyptiancat goddess cat catgoddess catlovers gift mothersday free ebook awards hieroglyph paintingsoncanvas offers promotions discount arabamericans shutupandtakemymoney mummymerch ancksunamun patriciavelásquez princessnefertiri rachelweisz sais masks posterart themummyreturns ancientegyptart scifivisionaries sfv kassmith worldbuilding fantasyauthor fantasyreader fantasywriters fantasyreaders ilovefantasyart yabooks yafantasy fantasyart fantasydrawing kassmiththewriter

Al-Mummia/The Night of Counting The Years (Shadi Abdel Salam, 1969)

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Gathering material for a new project (1/?)
Al-Mommia/The Night of Counting The Years (Shadi Abdel Salam, 1969)

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“She Who Shines in the Horizon"
In this image, Bast-Mut brings forth the dawn, her gift of beauty to Ra in the first light of Zep Tepi.

❥Gallery: https://t.co/TfxAu3YRCk
❥Commissions: https://t.co/scGPSkOHU2

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"We follow what paths are written for us..."
Check out this excellent prologue by , perfect for this time of year.


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Sergio Macedo is a Brazillian comic book artist who released a series of trippy painted graphic novels about aliens and UFOs in the 80's.

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