高慢な人間は、己れがえらく想われていまいと感ずるがゆえに、そのひとに向かって非常な敬意をいだく。それほどまでに、人間の高慢は高まる。 by ローテ 「蔵言」


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Given her weak constitution, Myne can’t achieve her dream on her own. Here are the best characters who have helped and are still helping our beloved bookworm. https://t.co/mJYjw2bQTd

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A knight who is somewhat very strict and criticizes bad behavior, but has a great sense of justice, pride and courage to be a member of Fairy Tail.

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A mage who fights alongside her Celestial Spirits and treats them as friends; she has no problem of fighting if getting hurt for her friends, or her guild.

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A sky sorceress who is one of the orphans chosen to be a dragon slayer; she’s eager to make friends and cares a lot about the members of her guild.

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A middle-aged woman who became a royal knight, or an associate of a team of subordinates to handle the world's biggest crisis.

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A girl who can create a bouquet of flowers to the person she loves the most, but can change according to season and her actual mood.

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