I'm really proud to have won monthly illustration contest with this piece!

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Cat is a lonely kind of guy.
But cranky is as cranky does.
As events spiral out of control, can Cat attain his dearest wish?

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She thinks she’s a bunny—she has the ears to prove it, but they come off at night!
One day in the woods, a surprising event makes her start to wonder. Will it change her life?

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He’s not a Cat among PIGEONs, but he might as well be.
With a bent for trouble, Cat’s fine day could have a lousy end.

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Cat is a lonely kind of guy.
But cranky is as cranky does.
As events spiral out of control, can Cat attain his dearest wish?

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KOALA / LEMUR tells the story of a couple of mismatched mammals going to school together at a zoo in Malaysia, where they join forces to protect a ladybug parade from a bunch of big mean predator kids.

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The Fourth of July is coming, and Cousin Irene thinks everyone should make their pies with a fancy new pie filling. But Sadie and William like to make pies from their own cherry tree. Are homemade pies really the pits?

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Bionic arm? Check.
Mischievous imaginary friend? Check.
Ready for her new school? Maya’s parents think so, but Maya must think out of the box so her day won’t end in disaster.

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The Fourth of July is coming, and Cousin Irene is all excited about a fancy new pie filling. But Sadie and William like to make pies from their own cherry tree. Are homemade pies really the pits?

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Ungus is a unicorn on a personal quest to remind everyone that mystical creatures are no laughing matter, but in his journey to prove a point he ends up having to admit his magical world might be more colorful then he originally thought.

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What happens if a boy tells a cat to sit? Well, he won’t sit, that’s for sure!

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On her first day at a new school, Maya is nervous that her differences will make her stand out, but an imaginary friend, her junk modelling skills, and some quick thinking might just save the day!

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