"He nombrado los sitios donde se desparrama la ternura y estoy solo y conmigo".

1 2

I'm a transguy who is desparately trying to leave the south and my terrible dad. I have a place available for me in Michigan but I only have 20$, which is not nearly enough gas for me to make it there.

I wont do a GoFundMe, I hate recieving money like that, I do commissions tho!

7 17

„Fraktionsbildung gegen Bundespartei-Grundsatz:
AfD und CDU bilden Fraktion in Frankenstein“

11 20

An Uzumaki anime? Yeah, that's cool I guess...not like there's any OTHER good horror manga in desparate need of an adaptation...

2 15

hiya! im krell and i'm still desparately searching for My Style™ ;v; tysm for the thread!! 💖💖

1 1

Next is the twins. They are conjoined brothers, one corporeal and the other a spirit. After the incident, grief and regret sent them into a fight which resulted in the spirit going into endless slumber. Desparate to get his brother awake again, the Lone Twin seeks for a remedy.

0 5

Adora/Captain Despara fanart pack for just $1!

Buy now and know the true appearance of Adora before the rebellion, or ... As she was known ... Captain Despara!

Direct link:

0 1

Adora / She-Ra / Captain Despara!
Come and meet the 3 stages of the Princess of Power! Just $1 each pack.

Direct link for Adora / Despara:

Direct link for She-Ra:

0 1

(im sorry this looks like post im really a stickler for uniformity) but im in desparate need of help, my housing situation at the moment is incredibly toxic and I'm trying to move out, It explains a bit in the photo but ill be adding more info in the comments.

25 18

desparetely need to pay of some bills which means time to open some quick commissions ;w;

sorry no full bodies or anything but i can do icon versions! email is wolfpackeclipse.net as always or if you just want to be kind heres my ko-fi link https://t.co/mbJt4NSuuz ;; ty

12 13

now is a perfect time to request animal crossing fanart u desparate fucks

Trying 2 raise money to help finn move out of an unsafe home (see pin)

hell lefthanded requests on kofi for $3 per character

You can also donate to him directly! Screenshot and i will draw 4 u

11 25

Eran ostiones podridos :´0 Aunque tal vez ahora sí necesite la desparacitada...

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estaba un poco desparchada y me puse a dibujar, y sin querer me salio esto :0
pd: recomiendo muchisimo este anime, es muy bueno y me hizo llorar T-T
c llama The promised Neverland ;)

0 3

7h02 on the east coast of folks! Meanwhile in the news story & college admissions bribery scandal turns


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El Maestro Martino está listo para desparramar talento con

2 14

I have to say, Poppy and Wren's interactions in this chapter are actually quite nice. Strangely refreshing.

Marlowe, on the other hand, I am shocked at your actions. Must be real desparate to be sabotaging Wrenfield's team, eh.

(I can't wait for when W&N show)

2 22


3 6

– ‘ndemo al Despar!
– No! Prima all’acqua e sapone!

6 97

rend hommage aux à leur engagement et leur sacrifice pour assurer l'avenir de leurs enfants ❤️

3 7

Does anyone want to commission me? $8 each! Honestly, just tell me what you want. I'm good at Kpop. Trying to get $20-$30 to get my ticket for KCON! ♥ Help a girl out and RT! DMs are open! A girl is desparate.

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