Besides Wren thinking Poppy might be clinically insane because of her deduction (oh gosh, gurl, you are so wrong, but that is hilarious) I am very intrigued by this apparent "ghost boy".

Is that you, Danny Phantom?

Also, have fun at the wedding, Miss Rosca!

0 4

I have to say, Poppy and Wren's interactions in this chapter are actually quite nice. Strangely refreshing.

Marlowe, on the other hand, I am shocked at your actions. Must be real desparate to be sabotaging Wrenfield's team, eh.

(I can't wait for when W&N show)

2 22

Damn, right, he a snake. 🐍
Change your name, Shrike.
You've earned it.

(Quick question; what's an umbrageist?)

0 4



!?! (Д゚≡゚Д゚) ?!!

5 27

So much happened in this one chapter, I don't even know what to talk about first.

Like... Winter snapped, Wrenfield is mean but I've become awfully suspicious of him, and Wren knows something fishy is happening!

And Nox might be coming back soon! Hooray!

2 29

The beauty of working together and fixing the problem that once was. Now the spirits are free, and Madame Celeste and Madame Laureline know who exactly killed her.

... Maybe.

1 22

It's near 3:00AM where I live and since I can't sleep, I decided on reading the recent update in

The ghost with the broom is my reaction to any problem, big or small.

I'm pumped to see where this murder mystery will take us too also. Hue, hue. :3

2 20

We finally find out where the ghosts are being kept and get to see Winter again! Albeit, she's not acting like herself, huh...

3 27

The bondspirit in the latest update is so relatable, haha, but seriously, did the cello "eat" the ghosts...? Cause, uh, okay then.

Ya'll support Miss Rosca at Animaga (since I can't)! Gotta show our support!

(Also loved the top comments.)

4 10

But the banner art for on though. This real good bois. 👌

6 39

We finally get to see the archives and the talked about Librarian! Gotta say, those husks are a little intimidating and Rook's forgery is subpar!

I do wonder where Pai is now though... Hmm...

With everything happening, I'm always excited to read more!

4 31

I love seeing Winter serious and defending Nox! Just brightens my day tenfold, haha.

I really do wish I owned a cat, Miss Rosca, but besides that, I'll be sure to eat my veggies (maybe)!

1 52