This one is about two musicians, Blackbird and Veloce, and it’s a slice of life type thing. It ranges from hilarious to cute to serious, but it’s always entertaining, and the art is always stunning.

0 11

Bellissimo dipinto, delicatamente modulato sulla tonalità rosa del tramonto,Dopo la tempesta Guido con decise e veloce pennellate trasforma la tela in 1 scena di quieta pervasa da 1 luminosità tenue e diffusa. La stessa qualità pittorica e luministica troviamo nelle tele postate

6 11

drawing from stream: dumb idea i wound up putting waaaaaaaaay too much effort into:


13 60

Bueno, ya iba siendo hora, presentando a...

Pusquine (Normal) - [Macho] Hamirrel y [Hembras] Squitress (Normal/Lucha).

Los machos protegen los nidos mientras las hembras cazan.

Los machos son atacantes lentos y robustos, mientras las hembras son Atacantes veloces.

9 24

29. Height
even in AU bb is out to kill veloce

This is my webcomic! Read it at:
🎻 https://t.co/JeCwGAeqXZ

or on Webtoons:
🎶 https://t.co/KZMJysw6kC

265 1373

veloce with a halo like the angel she is

15 63

art. ive done it.

ocs of mine that ive drawn in the past few days!! Meet my nyahray Hanao and my 03PYUKO Veloce xoxoxo

4 10

Spazia tra le distese immense di praterie, di oceani immensi, vola veloce sopra il vento che trascina lontano il mio pensiero.

12 20

Piccolo riassunto veloce de "I promessi sposi" per chi ne avesse bisogno

54 168

Veloce and Blackbird are:

A. Powerful WLW Goals
B, Extremely Gorgeous
C. Absolutely Perfect
D. All of the Above


25 113

Detalles de (Estilo Brusco)

CATEGORÍA: Pokémon Kung-fu
TIPO: Lucha y Siniestro
ALTURA: 1,9 m
PESO: 105,0 kg
HABILIDAD: Puño Invisible

Urshifu utiliza movimientos directos y veloces. Mantiene la distancia para después saltar en su dirección y asestarle un fuerte golpe.

49 176

Urshifu (Estilo Brusco)

Categoría: Pokémon Kung-fu
Tipo: Lucha/Siniestro
Altura: 1,9 m
Peso: 105,0 kg
Habilidad: Puño Invisible

Urshifu Estilo Brusco utiliza movimientos directos y veloces contra su oponente.


0 7

au where weirin doesnt see veloce for another year or so after they closed the aegis

also she's picked up the sword

also also theyre dating

15 68

2008 -> 2019, veloce narrowly avoided becoming a damsel in distress hahaha

apparently I didn't paint anything during 2009? but it was also the last year of university where I was running on empty

308 2331

Me: mi croppi velocemente su photoshop Pepe che si tocca il mento e la fai tipo Akali?

Alic: Ok ma ci metto un paio di giorni

Me: *clueless* ok

-3 giorni dopo-

Alic: "ho fatto"


0 3

27. (1 of 2)
what blackbird doesn't know is she's already killing veloce just by existing : )

This is my webcomic! Read it at:
🎻 https://t.co/JeCwGzWPzp

or on Webtoons:
🎶 https://t.co/KZMJysNHca

212 1073

Un tempo veloce, di dinamismo che agita tutto e deforma l’immagine delle cose.

Giacomo Balla, Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio


26 35