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@HandmadeHour #HandmadeHour #GoodEvening from #Edinburgh #inky #fox #ink #artwork #illustrations please see my #etsyshop with more #inprogress #thanks #haveagreatweek #SundayThoughts #rt and #follows #reciprocated
#BuenasTardes Gracias por estar aquí después de mi corta ausencia
"Goodevening boys and men~ I hope you are all having a wonderful day! Hey um....W-what are you staring at?"
@LunaLeso @agustin_gut @alleosa @bgv_online @Spiros209 @BrindusaB1 @dianadep1 @Karacyr_1970 @barrywyman2356 @BPerrionni @neblaruz @CristianeGLima @marialves53 @maype7 @ceconomou56 @1Atsuhimerose2 @LuciaTassan @mariatontini1 @bostervang @simonjetz @yianniseinstein @ritamay1 @anthony77631293 @guwurzburger @claudioborlotto @arteeblog @ArteSelezione @peterwalt7 @Havenlust @HalinaHb @albertopetro2 Beautiful painting Luna, love it ❤
Nancy E Burkett
"Snow White"
@angela3nipoti1 @migliaccio31 @BaroneZaza70 @marialves53 @EnricoCastrovil @smc_su @neblaruz @AntonellaLaTor6 @onlyamour @BrindusaB1 @FriendArt_ @Papryka5 @claudioborlotto @operavincibis TY Angie #GoodEvening to you and everyone💫☄✨💫🌛
Franz von Stuck 🎨 The artist's daughter Mary in a red hat
Off to see @Markgatiss @ReeceShearsmith and @SP1nightonly in #LeagueOfGentlemenLiveAgain! I just finished this paint of #EdwardandTubbs and #DrChinnery. I’ll add more characters to this soon...#goodeveningjobseekers #hellohellowhatsgoingonwhatsallthisshoutingwellhavenotroublehere
Thanks for the inspiration @olgatuleninova!
"The tide rises, the tide falls,
The twilight darkens, the curlew calls." -Longfellow
Karl Theodor @AlessandraCicc6 @universictimes @ars_omnis @marses_ok @CristianeGLima @bostervang @LunaLeso @djolavarrieta #GoodEvening