Fantastic stream today guys. Been so so much fun. Hope you're liking the progress on the piece! Thank you!!!

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A drawing I did when I found about KyoAni. I will likely render it some more but hope for the best everyone involved

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Ho perso molti fratelli nell'incendio alla Kyoto Animation. Noi artisti abbiamo amore puro, disinteressato, universale. Siamo tanti, un esercito nel mondo. Diffonderemo amore e bellezza anche per chi non può più farlo.

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Drawing can be useful when you don't have words ~
頑張って ! 🙏

6 12

It's so heartbreaking to hear this news. Wish to send this "art tribute" to those who care and help me reach this art to the victims, especially the animators & to their families and friends. 💔💔💔

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What a terrible fire in Kyoto animation Inc.😢

🙏RIP 33 great creators.

13 26

In this sad time, I would like to say thank you Kyoto Animation 🌸 stay strong.

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What is your favorite anime? For us it will always be K-ON we love you

5 24

Condolence to kyoto animation❤️😭 I pray for the souls of the 33-35 people who died on July 18, 2019 at 10:35 am. I also pray those 36 people who was injured and may Lord heal them🙏🙏

2 17

Merci Kyoto Animation ! Courage !❤️

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What happened to Kyoto animations is terrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, they have made great work and I hope they can rebuild and create again.

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Hopefully things like these do not happen again. My condolences for the relatives of those who have left and for the recovery of the survivors.🙏🙏

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Just watched A Silent Voice. The end had me crying my eyes out. The visuals were also amazing. Thank you for making such a beautiful movie!

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