Three years ago today, on July 18, 2018, Shinji Aoba committed an attack on Kyoto Animation. Over 30 people died in the devastating fire who inspired us with their work. Today we remember victims and never forget them.

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dream solister

do not repost.

(a bit of a diff in lineart color)

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Sending all my love and strength, to all the survivors and victims I dedicate this piece to you ❤️

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The character I most love. Waiting to watch the next anime from KyoAni. Keep strong and fight on.
Oh, I forgot that today it's not her day. But that's OK.

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Haruhi Suzumiya.

En honor a todas las víctimas del incendio en Kyoto Animation en Japón.

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Kyoto Animation Co. CEO Hideaki Hatta

I assure you that Kyoto Animation will not give up, we will not go quietly into the night...we will not vanish without a fight! !xD¡

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If you want to help KyoAni, you can now officially and directly donate to them through bank transfer :

English details via Crunchyroll :

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Después de restaurar mi PC, apareció en este TL un trabajo que me puso la piel chinita y trajo lágrimas a mis ojos...

Un trabajo de

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Nichijou is very near and dear to me, as it's one of the first shows to really get me into anime more, and that helped me meet the people I've been long time friends with and the friends I know today, and it helped inspire me to get into art.

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kyoani will always have a place in my kokoro

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A tribute to the victims of the Kyoto Animation fire incident. Hope the people involved recover soon from this tragedy. ❤️

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Sad week for anime fans all around
for those who wishes to help here's a fundraising site towards kyoto animation

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Stay strong kyoani, just released these pin, print, acrylic set to help with donations. 100% profit going to Sentai filmworks GoFundMe to help victims families.

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