Happy birthday,

So lucky to play 3 extremely varied characters in this wonderful series. The bandit, Kostas, the undefeatable (and 's daddy?) Nader, & the wyvern rider, Cormag.

My deepest thanks to , , & !

30 393

I wrote about some of the most influential papers that have ~made waves~ in particles, fields, and cosmology in the last 50 years for mag. Read about the universe expanding🌌, neutrinos⚛️, and gravitational waves🌊: https://t.co/zPypaAvU3v

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"It's been 84 years"...but I'm finally done sculpting Corpra Mag. It's been challenging but I'm really happy with the direction it's taking. Now it's time to work on textures and low poly. Did a quick emissive previz and close up.

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the euphoria girls for paper mag...who is doing it like them

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Artur x Cormag.
Fire Emblem Heroes fanart.
Continuation of my "marriage" series.

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New Shinomas imag... April 2nd, everyone back to normal... Sorry Mirai 😢

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Everyone knows I love Conan, so here are my for Conan.

Savage Sword of Conan - 70s B&W mag. Still the Gold Standard
Conan - Nord / Busiek greatness
King Conan - The GREATEST modern Conan comic
Conan the Barbarian - Devourer of Souls. Epic of classic Marvel Conan

4 40

Sly's quite the ladies' Raccoonus in Band Of Thieves. What sort of critter is Neyla?

Dev: A White Tigress. Originally designed as a daughter to Rajan, her role changed as the game's storyline needed to be simplified.
Play Mag. Sept 2004

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I would love to work as a Colorist/Background Artist (I put in more comics/technical drawings in the reply). I'm pretty flexible as far as styles go, however!

E-mail: dddomag.com

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G O N S A E R O Y 👦


77 51

Also dann, für ‘s meine Kreuzung aus Papagei und Emu. Den EmoEmu Gag habe ich liegen lassen, also wer noch mag. 😉#kleineKunstklasse

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few of his most popular sculptures were adaptations of the NIKE air jordan Is, air yeezy 2, NIKE mag, air jordan IV and the NIKE mag.

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I finally drew my Warframe Operator, and she's got a plush doll Mag. Come to think of it, we should all have plush doll warframes IRL. What are you waiting for, DE? 😉

Follow me https://t.co/LYz8HUcijT

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a commission for a DA client, Ayamae, a prestigious fashion designer who here, poses nude for an exclusive interview done for a fashion mag. 😋another fun piece to do, through out!

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For our is dedicated to who has done covers for reprints of some classic children's books, like Pinocchio & Peter Pan. He illustrated the short story 'Re-creation' in vol 1, issue 2 of Raconteur mag.

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xulux recrute de nouveaux rédacteurs/chroniqueurs ainsi que des personnes pour compléter et créer les nouveaux pôles de l'association : pôle communication, pôle engagement et pôle mag.

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La Petite Illustration (French mag.), Madame Memento - date: approx 1910.

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So, einer weniger.
Geplant ist irgendwann noch ne "Who's who?" Characterchart und ne Relationshipmap oder wie man das nennen mag. Dazu muss ich aber noch mehr Bbys von Kopf auf Papier/Screen zaubern. x_x

1 2

And Mangs' favorite, Cormag. Don't let these stats fool you, this guy was completely useless. He had like 10 Speed until Chapter 19. Couldn't hit, couldn't kill, couldn't avoid doubles, but hey, he could rescue-drop I guess.

How could anyone die to this guy?

1 23

Ook **** voor Grunberg ! “Het wonderlijkst is dat al die schrijnende taferelen, immoraliteit en fantasie, niet alleen verbazing wekken en humoristisch zijn, maar inzicht bieden in wat wij als waarheid beschouwen. Dat is wat literatuur vermag.” https://t.co/c0vhKLA7ui

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