Cheeckface - Therapy Island (2019)
They Might Be Giants for the anticapitalist millenial generation. At times serious, mostly funny.

Its also kinda funny how both of the people who inspired list A & B both shared with me songs from this band along with Tunacola.

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Melawan dgn santui adalah ciri khas generasi millenials yg sadar atas fungsinya. Celometanmetmet

26 44

rcdart walked so this weird new style of cartoon used by millenial gentrifying companies could run

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in His history, he was sealed by Millenial Tree Cookie because of his destructive powers.
And that's why the Red Dragon don't see him in a long time.
But basically that, he can destroy and devour in a way that he can play as the Red Dragon's Rival.

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Problem is they replaced this Onee-san with Millenial-wannabe Boomer

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Behold the mini comic that started my working on a larger comic. It's for sale on my storenvy and perfect for smoo holiday right around the corner. Cute Millenial Fantasy I think so :3

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EN🇺🇲 | ID🇮🇩
From a dumb poll I did once. Pardon my millenial brain if i didnt draw the VSCO girl correctly.
P.s. the +62 Netizen's shirt says "Anti Debat Debat Club"

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I know the next batman movie is still years away but that won‘t stop me from drawing Paul Dano as the iconic millenial Riddler I hope he‘ll be

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the funniest thing from that Memory Lane UK page is this image which has massive boomer energy while describing a UK millenial's childhood

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thanks to anon who said "since Adam's teeeechnically a very early millenial by most standards, I would like to give you the mental image of him replying to Tiefer being a d*** with "ok boomer" (or since you're on an AU bent, him saying it jokingly to AU!Jehan)" y'all get this:

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Dunno 'bout that-

Having a hell of a time as it is keeping up with my own "Millenial" generation's way (though I'm pretty damn close to being a "Gen-X'er"...

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>not respecting the classics
Ok, whatever you say millenial.

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Hard to understand those millenials' taste of humor

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"Ok Boomer" Respuesta a señoros de la generación X que hablan de millenials cuando realmente se refieren a gente de la generación Z.

Y como todo, se ha puesto de moda ya se dice a cualquiera pasándose por el forro lo que quiere decir.

PD: Y también unos chicles.

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Fanart of millenial tree's costume for the contest! All the costumes are lovely!

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Millenials: ok boomer


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Finished the After Hours yuri manga, there is an abundance of reviews already so just going to say that yes, it's good stuff.

Young adult characters, rarely explored disco nightclub scene, contemporary IT-savviness, relatable Millenial life issues faced by the protagonists.

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Is it time to roll over and let the take over? How 'bout we work together and create a better future for all?

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